According to a bird guide published in 1911, “The competent authorities proposed to divide the world, biologically, into two parts – Australia and the rest of the world, and they considered Australia more interesting part. ” (quoted from Tim Low’s book “The Origin of Song”). So, even if it’s pretty much the same, it seems justified enough to continue this series of blog posts-especially as I wrote this series under lockdown in Shanghai, with nothing much to do.
One difference is that birds in Australia are more important as pollinators of flowers than elsewhere. For example, the Brown Honeyeater visit over 300 different flowers.
Apparently, this honeyeater is also the most common in Clare’s garden in Broome.

Wikipedia doesn’t seem to be too impressed with the species, saying that “the brown honeyeater is a medium-small, plain gray-brown honeyeater”. The name of the Latin species vague (indistinct, obscure) sounds similar underwhelming.

Another honeyeater, the Blue-faced Honeyeater, has also learned open the sugar packetsas Noisy Miner mentioned in the previous post.

In juveniles, the patch of skin is green, not blue.

Not very good neighbors: “Like many honeyeaters, this species is often rugged, chasing competitors away from food sources, and mobbing, swooping or harassing potential predators to drive them away from the nest.” (origin)

In this episode 3, we finally also encounter a bowerbird – the Satin Bowerbirdto be precise.

This bower is only about 100 meters from accommodation in Lamington National Park. In fact, one of the staff there joked about the time David Attenborough first had a sumptuous breakfast at the hotel, then walked over to the bower, faced the camera, and started talking about being somewhere in amidst deprivation in Australia.

I’ve heard that men’s favorite color is yellow, but since women prefer blue, it’s the preferred choice for bower decorations.

I think women feel that the blue of bower treasures works well in their eyes.
If you think Beethoven’s 9th Symphony is his best, you’re mistaken. But you will definitely like the Wompoo Fruit Dove.

The species was bred at the Memphis, Tennesee zoo (origin). I’m sure Elvis liked it.

If instead, you are looking for more specific information on how to perform eye surgery Wompoo Fruit Dove, I suggest you check out “The Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery”, which should be available at your local newsstand. The article the search is titled “Ceratospira inglisi Ocular Infestation in a Wompoo Fruit-Dove ”.

After looking at these photos, it’s a good idea to relax your eyes by looking at a Brown Songlark.

The legs of this species do not seem particularly long to me, but the name of the Latin species cruralis (“Of the leg”) and the description of the HBW (“a relatively long-legged terrestrial warbler”) indicate that my understanding is wrong.
Similar to the (fortunately, now gradually changing) situation among humans in China, these birds seem to prefer males over females. While the females hatch from large eggs and are initially heavier than their brothers, after ten days, the male chicks weigh about 50% more than their sisters, because they receive a higher quantity and quality of victimization from their parents (origin).

The Speckled Warbler basically uses the same color scheme.

Unexplained, some of the other names for this species include blood tit (?), Chocolate-bird (??), little fieldwren, and speckled jack.

Tila, Haring two is an Australian grindcore band formed in Melbourne in 2010. In contrast, the Australian King Parrot is an Australian bird species with a very limited repertoire of grindcore songs.

Because these pictures fail to show up nicely, man Australian King Parrots is the only Australian parrots with a completely red head.

Friarbirds are honeyeaters that get their name from the circular pattern on the crown of their heads and their neutral color, which makes them resemble friars (origin). The Little Friarbird is the smallest of the friarbirds, which makes sense, and has the name of the Latin species citreogularisor “yellow-throated”, which is unreasonable because the pictures below and most of the pictures online do not show any indication of a yellow throat.

However, they are the coolest looking friarbirds, who look like they just came out on stage with a pretty weird S/M movie.

However, this species doesn’t seem to have a very encouraging effect on Clare, my colleague as a writer for 10,000 Birds – see here for proof.

My late father had some jokes that he wanted to repeat often, which in itself was pretty funny. One, however, is potentially racist by today’s standards. So, all I can give you is the sanitized version of the joke, where people are replaced by birds.
A man sees some Black Swans. He asked “Is there a fire here?”

(To be fair to my late father, I don’t think he meant to be racist in any way, nor did he think this joke was really funny).

The Galah It looks like it was designed by a straight man who loves to be considered gay.

If you live in Australia, don’t think of taking this bird as a pet, because “99.99% of these Galahs sold in Australian markets are trapped from the wild” (source).

The same website also warns that “Galahs are naturally destructive and noisy. Adolescent Galahs are prone to behavior problems; they will become noisy, aggressive, and destructive if not given enough physical or emotional support. At sexual maturity, some individuals may have seasonal behavior problems such as aggression and become difficult to manage. “

It may be better to adopt a random male teenager right away.

If you live in Australia and can’t afford to buy a large or even a medium-sized cormorant, why not live in a Little Pied Cormorant? As long as you don’t have British friends (or people who have watched “Austin Powers”), you can also call it Little Shag without embarrassment.

Potential new word learning alert: The Little Pied Cormorant is a benthic feeder, meaning it feeds under water. Of course, you can just call this bird a bottom feeder, but this can lead to misunderstanding, because this term has a different meaning, “someone occupying or trying to ascend from the lowest position in society, politics, business, etc. ., by taking advantage of the misfortunes or remnants of others. ” (origin)

Wikipedia there is also some specific information about the appearance of this bird’s eggs over time, something I no longer need to know: “It is increasingly stained with dirt, as well as the nest, during the breeding season. ”
The alternative for people with limited budgets is of course the Little Black Cormorant.

Wikipedia uses the same source to provide the same information as for the Little Pied Cormorant on the appearance of eggs over time: “Increasingly stained with dirt, such as the nest, over the course of the breeding season.” So, at least for that matter, it’s hard to choose between Little Pied Cormorant and Little Black Cormorant.

The link you will be taken to a named company Black Kite offering “Automatic, continuous cyber risk monitoring”, something I haven’t done so far, probably explains the limited success in my career. The website also clearly teaches that the core values of the company are Integrity, Innovation, and Customer First.

On the other hand, the Black Kite is a raptor not known for integrity-Black Kites are opportunistic hunters and more likely to scavenge (origin).

However, they show some customer focus – parent birds have found that they prefer to feed smaller chicks (origin). And they’re innovative – they’re known for spreading fire by picking up and dropping burning branches to flush out the victim (source).

So, two out of three – not too bad. Hopefully not too many Black Kite company customers ask their employees about their scavenging practices (“Is this something your company strictly recognizes?”)
You know that a bird species is in trouble when even the most enthusiastic people from eBird describe it as a “little plain bird with a thin bill”. But that is the kind of body-shaming that is Mangrove Gerygone is regularly subject to. Only the bird’s vocalization gets a positive mention – “a tinkling melodious string of notes moving up and down the pitch”.

And my hope is to give you at least one interesting factoid about the name of the Latin species levigaster -may have been a Nazi war criminal turned Australian ornithologist-also quickly faded when I learned leviter means Latin lightly, and Latin gaster for stomach ‘.
According to Australian Geographic“Beautiful fairy-wren is arguably the most beautiful species of fairy-wren ”. How do you think I feel reading this when I just get a decent picture of a female (or immature male) of this species?

(Kay Beck “Loser” audible at low background volume)

It’s almost certainly a rumor that writing a post about Australia and not mentioning dingoes is illegal, but why risk it?

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