15 Best Dog Breeds For Hiking – PLAY


By Mikail Khan on August 7, 2022

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If you’re looking for a hiking buddy, you can’t go wrong with a dog. Dogs are born hikers and love spending time outdoors with humans. However, some dogs are better equipped for the rigors of the trail than others.

Here are the 15 best dog breeds for hiking, based on factors like energy level, stamina, and size.

#1: Alaskan Malamute

Height: 23 – 25″

Weight: 75 – 85 pounds

The Alaskan Malamute is an excellent choice if you are looking for a dog that can really walk. This giant, strong breed was originally bred for sledding, so it has the stamina and strength to take on long treks. They also have a thick coat that protects them from the cold, making them well suited for hiking in colder climates.

#2: Aussie Cattle Dog

Height: 18 – 20″

Weight: 35 – 50 pounds

The Australian Cattle Dog is a herding breed known for its hard work and endurance. These dogs are no strangers to long days of hiking and they will be more than happy to follow you down the trail. They are also relatively easy to train, so you will have no trouble teaching them to walk with you.

#3: Beagle

Height: 13 – 15″

Weight: 20-30 lbs.

Beagles are small but surprisingly hardy and can make excellent hiking companions. They have a lot of energy and will follow you down the trail. They can travel up to 10 miles a day, so they’re great for shorter rides. Often a the leash is necessary because they have a strong hunting instinct.

#4: Bernese mountain dog

Height: 25 – 27.5″

Weight: 80 – 115 pounds

The Bernese Mountain Dog is a large breed originally bred for agricultural work. They can make great hiking companions. They are strong and can withstand long hikes. However, they don’t do well in hot weather, so they’re better suited for hiking in cooler climates.

#5: Border Collies

Height: 19 – 22″

Weight: 3 to 55 pounds

Life expectancy: 12 – 15 years

The Border Collie is a herding breed known for its intelligence and athleticism. These dogs are born hikers and will have no trouble keeping up with you on the trail. Their agility and stamina make them well suited for overcoming obstacles such as rocks and downed trees. They can walk up to 10-12 hours a day.

#6: Cairn Burrow

Height: 9.5 – 10″

Weight: 13 – 14 pounds

Dorothy’s little dog, Toto, was a Cairn Terrier in the Wizard of Oz, and the breed has been popular ever since. Although this breed is small and unsuitable for very long hikes or steep hills, they can cover several miles a day and make excellent companions on shorter hikes. They are also relatively easy to train, so you will have no trouble teaching them to walk with you.

#7: Carolina Dog

Height: 17.75 – 19.5″

Weight: 30 – 55 pounds

The Carolina Dog is a relatively new breed that was only recently recognized by the American Kennel Club. These dogs are descendants of wild dogs and resemble the australian dingo. This is why these dogs are often called “Carolina dingo” or “American dingo”. They make excellent hiking companions because they are athletic and have a lot of stamina. So even if you get up early for a hike, he’ll want to go back later in the day.

#8: Corgis

Height: 10 – 12″

Weight: 28 – 30 lbs.

corgis are small but surprisingly tough and can make great hiking companions. Most corgis enjoy hiking and can travel 6-8 miles a day at a moderate pace. But the condition is that your Corgi is fit and not overweight. Corgis are one of the oldest herding breeds, and their original purpose was to help farmers move livestock from place to place, so if your corgi is trying to keep you on a hike, it’s is in its nature.

#9: Doberman Pinscher

Height: 26 – 28″

Weight: 75 – 100 pounds

Doberman Pinschers are large and strong dogs that were originally bred for personal protection. They make excellent hiking companions because they are athletic and have a lot of stamina. They can walk up to 10 miles a day and they are not afraid of obstacles such as rocks and fallen trees.

#ten: German shepherd

Height: 24 – 26″

Weight: 65 – 90 lbs.

German Shepherds are large, strong dogs originally bred to work on farms. They make excellent partners for long hikes, as they have a lot of stamina and stamina. These dogs are great for hiking on all sorts of treks, whether through forests or mountains. The hike also offers an excellent exercise for German Shepherds as they are an active breed.

#11: Golden Retriever

Height: 23 – 24″

Weight: 65 – 75 pounds

Life expectancy: 10 – 12 years

Golden Retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds, and for good reason. They make great family dogs because they are sweet and loving. They are also great hiking companions as they have a lot of energy and love to be outdoors. Golden Retrievers can walk long distances, but they are also happy with shorter hikes. They are great for hiking as they sniff the rivers from a mile away, acting as your guide on the trail to find water in the summer.

#12: The Great Pyrenees

Height: 27 – 32″

Weight: 85 – 100 pounds

The Great Pyrenees is a large, fluffy breed that was originally bred to herd livestock. Their protective and watchful nature makes them great hiking companions while exploring the outdoors. But be careful because their guardian instincts might make them want to protect you from anything, including harmless animals like squirrels.

#13: Labrador Retriever

Height: 22.5 – 24.5″

Weight: 65 – 80 lbs.

Labrador Retrievers are among the most popular dog breeds and make excellent hiking companions. They have lots of energy and can keep up the pace on long hikes. A healthy Labrador under the age of 8 can travel up to 20 miles per day. But as they get older, their pace may slow down a bit. Either way, they’ll always be your best friend on the trail.

#14: Norwegian Buhund

Height: 17 – 18.5″

Weight: 31 – 40 lbs.

The Norwegian Buhund is a herding breed that was originally bred in Norway. These dogs make great hiking companions for someone who enjoys hiking or long walks. These dogs also make excellent watchdogs as they have strong territorial instincts. And due to their protective nature, they will want to stay close to you on the trail.

#15: Rotweiler

Height: 24 to 27 in.

Weight: 95 – 135 pounds

Rottweilers were originally bred to be working dogs, and they make excellent hiking companions if properly trained. They have a lot of stamina and can travel long distances, but they must be trained not to pull on the leash. Rottweilers can also be stubborn, so you need to be the alpha on the trail. But if you’re looking for a hiking companion that can travel up to 10 miles a day, a Rottweiler is the perfect breed for you.

About the Author:

Mikail Khan is the founder and editor of BestDogResources.com. Ever since he got his first puppy, Mikail has been a dog lover. It aims to provide simple and easy informational advice for dog owners.


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