Belle and Tinker | Influencer Dogs


If Tinkerbelle The Dog and Belle The Dog sound familiar to you, it’s because these two canine influencers Papitese New York (Maltese/butterfly mix) have taken over social media with one furry paw. Just check out their adorably cute dog photos on their @TinkerbelleTheDog Instagram page, which has over 500,000 followers. Tinkerbelle walked the runway at New York Fashion Week, in addition to appearing in fashion magazines and advertisements. Belle tracks her paw prints and appeared in a skit on Saturday Night Live.

Dogster caught up with their human, Sam Carrell, and asked him about the fabulous duo.

Tinkerbelle and Belle are full of holiday spirit!

Dogster: Tell us about those perfect Papitese puppies!

Sat : Tinkerbelle The Dog is a fabulous 10-year-old, 5-pound diva. She is sassy, ​​critical, loves fashion and her role model is Anna Wintour. Belle is a playful, one-year-old, 4-pound puppy. Belle loves to play fetch and likes to tease her big sister Tinkerbelle. They both love to play and model.

Dogster: How did you all find each other and start their modeling careers?

Sat : I adopted Tinkerbelle The Dog from a local shelter at just 9 months old. During our daily walks around New York, an animal agent approached me to ask if he could represent Tinkerbelle. From there, Tinkerbelle booked her first modeling/actor job at age 1.5 for a Ralph Lauren campaign. Tinkerbelle was featured in every high fashion magazine in the countryside. She is now a successful actress and model, and Tinkerbelle’s resume includes national commercials, national print commercials, television and theater.

Maltese Papillon mix dogs wearing leather jackets
These Papitese dog influencers have been in national ads and print ads.

Belle The Dog was given to me by one of Tinkerbelle’s social media followers. From day one, the two puppies have become close. Belle immediately followed in Tinkerbelle’s famous footsteps and booked her first commercial at 4 months old!

Belle got into acting and modeling when Tinkerbelle’s agent asked to enroll her as well. At the age of one, Belle was featured in national advertising, national print ads and SNL! Coined “petfluencers,” Tinkerbelle and Belle became socialites in their own right by sitting front row at NYFW, attending the hottest premieres and chatting with celebrities at entertainment parties.

Dogster: What do Tinkerbelle and Belle do in their spare time as canine influencers?

Sat : Tinkerbelle’s favorite thing besides playing is sleeping. After a whole day of playing with her sister, Belle, she loves sleeping next to her toys. Tinkerbelle’s favorite humans are Taylor Swift, Lizzo, and Ariana Grande. Each of them has met her. Tinkerbelle prefers humans to dogs but has done extremely well on sets with other animals. Tinkerbelle’s joy is work and travel. She is always excited and happy when traveling to different places and lounging in luxury hotels.

Belle’s favorite thing besides acting is acting. Belle loves meeting other celebrities, but her favorite human is me! Belle’s joy is eating, working and having amazing travel adventures with Tinkerbelle.

papitese dog influencers in pajamas
Tinkerbelle loves lounging and napping, while Belle loves to play!

Dogster: Do Tinkerbelle and Belle have “superpowers”?

Sat : Tinkerbelle’s superpower is how she attracts celebrities to come meet her. She has a personality that people can spot from across the room. Her aura is inexplicable magic and instantly people fall in love with her.

Belle’s superpower is being able to complete required tasks on set in one or two takes. It’s very unusual for a young puppy, and it’s his secret to success.

Dogster: Do you have any Papitese dog training or grooming secrets you can share with our readers?

Sat : Both puppies are groomed every three weeks. The secret to keeping them beautiful and fluffy is to take baths between their grooming sessions. This allows them to stay clean just in case of an emergency.

Tinkerbelle and Belle are not professionally trained, but if you met them you would think otherwise. The secret is how well the puppies and I communicate with each other. They do everything I ask of them, and that’s a very special bond. I taught them to play dead, roll over, bark at the right time, sit, stay, lie down, sleep and more. I also taught them how to sit on red carpets and take pictures for photographers.

dog influencers at the thanksgiving day parade
Tinkerbelle and Belle at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York.

Dogster: What’s still on their to-do list?

Sat : Being the star of their own TV series, getting a book deal and traveling together to other countries like Spain and Greece.

Dogster: Do you and the puppies have a mission?

Sat : Tinkerbelle and Belle’s daily mission is to make people happy. Through their social media platforms, they try to provide content that will make people smile. It’s so gratifying for me to read the amazing comments and positive messages they receive from fans about how puppies are the highlight of their day.

Their long-term goal is to become a household name around the world for all ages like Lassie and Benji. They want to keep performing, modeling, and meeting amazing people along the way. They would also like to be the first star canine sisters on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and have their own production company!

papitese dog infleuncers tinkerbelle and belle

Want more Tinkerbelle The Dog and Belle The Dog? Follow them on Instagram and Facebook @TinkerbelleTheDog and on TikTok and Twitter @TinkerbelleADog, as well as on the website — Melissa


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