Benefits of cozy beds for your pet – PLAY


By Amy Richard on November 18, 2022

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Your pet is part of your family. Therefore, it makes sense that you only want the best for them. Sometimes that means giving them their favorite treats, even if they’re more expensive. Other times it means finding the perfect shampoo that makes their fur silky smooth. And, of course, that means giving them a comfortable bed to sleep in. You don’t want them lying on the cold, hard floor. Right? A soft, warm bed will keep your pet comfortable all night (and probably most of the day, too). In the rest of this article, we’ll discuss some of the benefits of cozy beds for your pet.

Prevents joint pain

Just like people, your pets also have difficulty sleeping on hard surfaces. Do you ever get up from the floor and feel pain all over your body when you get up? Well, your dog can feel it too. Lying dogs on a hard surface hurts their joints and can cause real problems over time. Arthritis is a common health problem in senior dogs, and sometimes a comfortable bed can make all the difference.

In addition to joint problems, dogs can also have back problems when they don’t have a proper bed.

keep them warm

Autumn is already here and the cold weather is slowly approaching. Believe it or not, dogs can feel the cold in their bones just like humans. And the fantastic clothes you bought for your canine companion will not protect him from the harsh winter weather. Your dog needs a nice, comfy and cozy bed to keep warm and toasty on those long winter evenings. Otherwise, by dint of sleeping on the ground which exposes them to temperatures lower than what is healthy for them, your dog’s health may suffer.

It gives them their own space

Cats and dogs, which are both naturally territorial, prefer to relax, nap and sleep in the same room of your house. The right size dog or cat bed can increase their comfort while giving them their own little place in the house.

This is important for many reasons. The main reason is that this space will be their refuge when you go through a drastic change, such as a move. It will be a safe place for them, far from the chaos, to sleep all day while the movers come and go. Of course, when you’re moving, you can’t keep your pets locked up all day, but keeping them out is essential as they don’t get overwhelmed.

Prevents behavior problems

Although having your dog lying next to you may seem charming and cuddly, it’s never a good idea. You’ll eventually realize that your dog is in your bed because he believes it’s the most comfortable place to relax, no matter how sweet and kind you think he is. It won’t be long before they completely take over your bed. When they do, they may scold you every time you tell them to get off, especially if you’ve already made them feel like it’s okay to stay there. Therefore, one of the main benefits of cozy beds for your pet is that they prevent behavioral problems by providing dogs with their comfortable bed.

Protects your furniture

A bed for your dog will keep him from sleeping where you don’t want him to, usually on your sofa or bed. When dogs sleep in such places, they damage your furniture or dirty your spotless carpets. If your dog likes to toss and turn before sleeping or indulge in a kneading and digging tantrum, wouldn’t you rather have that happen on a dog bed made for canines than on your couch? When your dog sleeps in a bed that meets his needs, he won’t get in your way or damage furniture.

Is easy to clean

Poor quality dog ​​mattresses accumulate fur and dust, which stick to the fibers of the bed and make cleaning tedious. If your pet’s bedspread is not machine washable, you will have to continually remove matted fur and dirt from the bed, adding to your efforts.

However, lucky for you, the cozy beds are fully machine washable and tumble dry safe. If you ever notice that their mattress is a little too dirty, throw it in the washer for a few spins, and it’ll be like new! Your pets won’t even notice it’s gone.

Preserve your floors

Dogs and other pets that must sleep on the floor sometimes unintentionally damage floors. Whether they’re scratching hardwood floors with their claws or tearing up carpet, they can cause real damage that’s expensive to repair. On the other hand, by investing in a suitable bed for your pet, you will minimize the risks of such a situation. Think about it: would you rather spend the money on a pet bed, or redo your hardwood floor and change the carpet in your home? Which seems the most affordable?


Your pet probably spends the majority of their day sleeping. This sleep should be uninterrupted and of high quality, much like in humans. Otherwise, your dog will be irritable, just like you would be if you had to sleep on the floor and wake up frequently during the night. This is why comfort and quality of sleep are among the main advantages of cozy beds for your pet. By getting a comfortable bed for your pet, you are providing him with a personal place that he can use at any time of the day. The best part is that it still allows you to snuggle up with your furry friend in bed whenever you want, as long as they have their bed.

About the Author:

Amy Richard is a full-time content writer and dog mom. She loves writing about animals and sharing advice with new owners. Amy has rescued dozens of dogs and found loving homes for each of them. She lives with her partner and their two dogs in California.


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