Choosing the best harness for your cat


The best cat harness will not only be comfortable, it will keep your feline travel companion safer. Find out which harnesses are best based on your cat’s age, shape and preferences.

Chips the kitten on a log wearing a red cat harness

More and more cats are having adventures with their people, from camping and hiking to exploring beaches and parks. And the most important thing these adventurous cats need to keep them safe when on the go is a good, well-fitting harness. In this article, we’ll help you discover the best cat harness for your feline friend.

Why a cat harness?

Our cats, Fish and Chips, have been hiking, camping and traveling with us for years. It gives them endless entertainment, results in better behavior at home, gets them the exercise they need, and strengthens our bond.

Of course, there’s also the added benefit of never having to find a pet sitter!

If you decide to take your cat outside, whether in the garden or on multi-day hikes, the first thing you will need is the right cat harness. Collars are great for attaching ID tags and a bell, but attaching a leash to your cat’s collar would be dangerous.

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Chips the cat perched on a woman's shoulder wearing an H-style cat harness

Start with a kitten harness

Many harnesses designed for small dogs are suitable for adult cats, so if your cat is an adult you will have more options. Unfortunately, the selection of kittens is more limited – and this is the best time to train your cat to get used to the harness. And, because your little friend will grow rapidly, you should plan on buying a new harness every few months.

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At eight weeks old, Fish and Chips began to carry eight style harness made for teacup dogs. This style of harness is easy for cats to remove and tightens if they pull, which can be uncomfortable.

The purpose of having Fish and Chips carry the eight style harness harness was simply to acclimate them to wearing something that fits their tiny body! At that time, we had not started leash training.

Fish kitten on red blanket wearing green cat harness

Cat harness for teenage kittens

After a few months, the boys graduated from Petsafe Easy-Walk Come With Me Kitty Harness. This harness is ideal for growing kittens due to its unique design and adjustability. It also comes with a small elastic leash that allows your cat to jump when rolling over your shoulders or backpack.

Fish and Chips used these harnesses for the first few months of adventures with us. But we eventually moved on to safer and more comfortable cat harnesses.

Chips the gray kitten on a log in her red cat harness

Using Vest-Style Cat Harnesses

Then we tried vest style cat harness. These are often the most comfortable for your cat as they evenly distribute weight and pressure. This also makes them a great choice for strong cats, as they are very secure and don’t have pinch points like strap-on harnesses.

Fish loved his vest-style harness and still uses that design. He currently wears the Puppia brand harness, which suits him well. It also comes in a fantastic variety of colors, allowing every cat to look their best.

Chips, on the other hand, tried the vest style harness several times and decided he was not a fan. Fish and Chips have very different body shapes, and the vest was too bulky on the Chips. He also didn’t like it being worn over his head and ears, so he started wearing the Petsafe harness for a certain time.

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More Cat Harness Options

In an effort to find the best cat harness for Chips, we tried vest style harness. The cat case has received great reviews online and was specifically designed for cats that tend to slip out of their harness. But it was too bulky for our athletic cats.

Fish and Chips had trouble walking comfortably in the cat case around the house, so we never even tested it on the trails. That said, this might be the perfect option for your feline friend!

Another option we tried is what I call the “designer” jacket for cats. Some of them can be used as harnesses and are also very fashionable!

Chips has a leather biker jacket from the ALLCATSGOOD Etsy Shop in which it seems quite comfortable, although it would be too warm to use on long hikes.

H-style harness – The best option for fleas

For Chips, the best cat harness is one that doesn’t go over his head. So we looked for an option that would be easy to put on, and that wouldn’t have to be adjusted once in place. This brought us to a H-style harness.

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It should be noted that H-style harness aren’t as safe as other options, so they wouldn’t be ideal for strong cats or escape artists. They are, however, a good option for docile cats who need a lightweight harness.

We started with a H-style harness made for dogs, but found the straps were too wide and rubbed Chips’ little arms.

After searching high and low for a H-style harness which are better suited to Chips, we discovered one in our local grocery store! The harness was cheap, fit him quite well, and had little skulls on it to match his badass personality.

It’s the harness he’s currently using, but it moves a bit on him. It’s not perfect…so we’re still looking for the best cat harness for him. It’s a process! But, as more and more cats start to travel, companies are making more and more gear specifically designed for cats. This will make finding the best cat harness for your furry friends even easier!

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We hope this information helps you choose the best harness for your cat. Good luck and have a good trip!

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