How to Clean Cat’s Eye Boogers (Cat’s Eye Discharge) in 6 Simple Steps


Last updated: November 28, 2022 by Crystal Uys

Cats’ eyes can be very beautiful, especially when they are lit up with the joy of life. Makeup artists often use cat eyes as inspiration to create some of the most gorgeous cosmetic looks ever. We’re used to associating cat eyes with elegance and style, and maybe that’s why there’s nothing more unsightly than a cat with crusty, dirty eyes.

Often the culprit behind rudeness is something as simple as boogers. But what’s in those little balls of mucus that cause cats to produce so much of it? And what’s the best way to get rid of it? Read on for my easiest and safest ways to clean up your cat’s peepers and get their eyes looking gorgeous in no time.

Before you start

If your cat has discharge from the eye, it’s important to rule out a serious health problem. The discharge could be a sign of an infection, which can be serious if left untreated. Other possible causes of eye discharge in cats include allergies, tumors, and dry eyes. If your cat’s eyes are swollen or red, or if he’s having difficulty seeing, it’s important to take him to the vet for diagnosis and treatment.

If your cat doesn’t need a prescription, your vet may allow you to clean their eyes at home. You’ll need to gather your supplies and steel yourself as many cats don’t like having their eyes cleaned.

wipe the cat's eye
Image credit: Yaroslau Mikheyeu, Shutterstock

What you will need

  • Room temperature sterilized water and cotton balls or a clean cotton washcloth
  • Eye pads
  • Eyewash suitable for pets
  • eye ointment

6 steps to remove Cat Eye Boogers:

1. Clean hands and equipment

Before touching your cat’s eyes, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Make sure the water is sterilized and you use clean towels or cotton balls. You can sterilize tap water by boiling it to kill all germs, then letting it cool completely. Be sure to use fresh supplies for each eye so you don’t spread dirt and germs between them.

woman washing her hands
Image credit: Martin Slavoljubovski, Pixabay

2. Remove Debris

For this step, you can either use a cotton ball or an eye swab. If you are using a cotton ball, soak it in sterile water and saturate it. If you are using an eye pad, such as Miracle Care Sterile Eye Pads for Dogs and Cats, there is no need to get it wet. Gently wipe the damp cotton ball or wipe away the eye secretions. You may need to make one or two passes, very gently, to loosen and remove the glue.

3. Work from the inside out

To remove dirt, debris and discharge more effectively, start at the inner corner of your cat’s eye and work your way out. This movement follows the grain of your cat’s coat and therefore follows the pattern of the discharge. Working against the grain of the fur could cause your cat more discomfort.

clean the persian chinchilla cat's eyes with a cotton ball
Image Credit: catinsyrup, Shutterstock

4. Rinse eyes with rinse (optional)

Using a specially formulated eye drop or eyewash, gently rinse your pet’s eyes with a rinse, such as Vetericyn Plus Eye Wash for Pets. Eye washes can help clear up redness, inflammation, and discharge, if used regularly. Your cat will probably not appreciate having liquid squirted in her eye, but hold it firmly and calmly.

5. Follow up with eye gel (optional)

To give your furry friend’s eyes an extra treat, apply a few drops of lubricating eye gel. A product such as Optixcare Dog & Cat Eye Lube Plus provides artificial tears to further moisturize and soothe irritated, dry or infected eyes.

Veterinarian dripping eye drops into cat's eye
Image Credit: Ermolaev Alexander, Shutterstock

6. Wash, Rinse, Repeat

Maintaining a regular cleaning routine will prevent bacteria from building up in your cat’s eyes. As a result, your beloved pet is kept happy and healthy. Cats won’t like it, but you’re sure to think it’s worth it once their eyes are shiny, comfortable and pain free.

What causes eye boogers in cats?

Cat’s eye discharge can be caused by a number of factors, including:

  • Feline upper respiratory infections: Discharge from the eyes in cats is often a symptom of a feline upper respiratory infection. This type of infection can be caused by a variety of viruses and can lead to a number of symptoms, including sneezing, coughing, and eye discharge.
  • Conjunctivitis (pink eye): Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, is a common eye infection in cats. It is caused by a bacterial or viral infection and results in discharge from the eyes. The discharge may be thick and yellowish, or thin and watery.
  • Corneal disorders: Cats that have corneal disorders may have discharge from their eyes. This discharge is usually caused by the cat’s eye not being able to produce enough tears, which can dry out and irritate the cornea. The discharge may be thick and yellowish in color, and it may cause inflammation and swelling in the eyes. If left untreated, a corneal condition can lead to blindness in cats.
  • Epiphora: It is the overflow of tears from the eyes. It can be caused by a number of factors, such as allergies, conformational abnormalities, or a foreign body in the eye. Symptoms include watery eyes and a feeling of heaviness in the eyelids. Treatment depends on the underlying cause. Cats with eye problems may touch their eyes, squint or blink excessively.
  • Uveitis: Discharge from the eyes in cats is often a sign of uveitis, an inflammation of the uveal tract. The uvea is a layer of the eye that contains the iris and the ciliary body. Uveitis can cause a variety of symptoms, including eye discharge, eye color changes, and pain. Uveitis can be caused by a variety of factors, including infection, autoimmune disease, injury, or cancer.
  • Dry eye: Dry eye is a condition in which the eyes do not produce enough tears, resulting in mucus buildup and secretions. This can cause inflammation and irritation of the cornea and lead to vision problems. Dry eye is common in cats and can be caused by a variety of factors, including age, disease, or environmental factors.
  • Allergies: Another potential cause of eye discharge in cats is an allergic reaction. Allergens, such as pollen, can cause inflammation and irritation of the conjunctiva, the thin membrane that lines the inside of the eyelid and covers the white part of the eye. This can lead to the production of excessive tears, which can then leak from the eye.
  • Obstruction: If the discharge is caused by an obstruction, the cat is likely also experiencing pain and inflammation. In some cases, the blockage may be easy to see, like a foreign object like a grass seed. However, in other cases, the obstruction may be hidden and more difficult to diagnose.
  • Problems with the third eyelid: Cats with a problem involving their third eyelid will often have discharge coming from their eyes. This discharge is usually caused by inflammation of the tissues in the area and can be a sign that something is wrong. If your cat has a lot of secretions from the eye, it’s important to take her to the vet for examination.


In conclusion, cat’s eye boogers are a normal part of a cat’s life and shouldn’t be alarming. Although they can be unsightly, they are generally harmless and can be cleaned with a little patience and a few simple supplies. By following the steps I’ve outlined, you can clean cat eyes quickly and easily and help your furry friend stay healthy and comfortable.

Featured Image Credit: osobystist, Shutterstock

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