Although licking wounds in dogs can help remove some debris, it is important to note that it can cause serious side effects, especially with large wounds.
It’s important to keep an eye on your dog and do your best to make sure he leaves his wound alone during the healing process. Easier said than done – I know, but there are a few tricks that make management a little easier. Here’s how to stop your dog from licking his wounds.
Why do dogs lick their own wounds?
Before we get into how to stop your dog from licking his wounds, let’s take a quick look at why he does it to begin with. Understanding why can help make the healing process a little easier, since you’ll know what to look for and understand why your dog is so pushy when it comes to reaching that injury.
Wound licking is a instinctual response in dogs, and it is the one found in many other animals. Their mouth is the only tool they have to try to clean wounds. They can’t go to the medicine cabinet and get disinfectant, so they use the only thing they have – their mouths. It’s the only way they know to help themselves heal.
Why lick? Well, saliva contains beneficial materials that can help promote healing. It contains a protein called tissue factor (also called platelet tissue factor) which can promote blood clotting. Dog’s saliva too contains opiorphinwhich has a pain relieving effect.
The belief that licking wounds can have healing effects has been around for ages, and in the past we used dogs to help heal some of our own wounds. The Egyptians believed that being licked by a dog, especially on an open wound, helped healing and even cured certain illnesses. In ancient Greece, dogs at the sanctuary of Aesculapius (a hero and god of medicine) were trained to lick patients. And in Armenian culture Aralezes (dog-like creatures or spirits) descended from heaven to lick the wounds of the dead so that they could be resurrected.
We no longer use these methods thanks to modern medicine, but our dogs still do. And while licking minor wounds won’t cause your dog much trouble, there are serious risks when it comes to larger, deeper wounds.
The dangers of licking wounds
Although some of the bacteria in dog saliva can be beneficial for wound healing, licking a wound can also cause side effects and delay the healing process. Harmful pathogens can get inside a wound licking resultand this risk is higher when it comes to a big injury.
When it comes to surgical wounds, licking can break your dog’s stitches, causing his wound to reopen. This increases their risk of infection, including secondary infections and tissue destruction.
How to stop your dog from licking his wounds
When it comes to preventing your dog from licking his wounds, you have several options, from the traditional E-collar to using distraction techniques. Here is an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of each of these methods.
Elizabethan necklace
The Elizabethan collar is commonly known as a cone of shame or an electronic collar (not to be confused with an electric training collar) is a protective medical device that prevents animals from licking or scratching wounds. It is a flexible plastic cone that is attached to your dog’s collar or neck, and the cone itself acts as a barrier.
If your dog is going to have surgery, your vet’s office will send him home with an electronic collar. Don’t be afraid to ask your vet any questions you have about the collar, including how often to wear it and whether it can be removed while feeding. And remember, follow their instructions regarding the length of time needed to ensure a safe healing period for your dog.
E-collars come in many different sizes, so if you’re buying one yourself, it’s important to get a good fit. Make sure the cone itself is short enough for your dog to eat and drink (but not so short that he can access his wound with his mouth), and that the collar part can be snug enough so you can’t move. outside of that.
Advantages: The most reliable method to prevent your dog, especially a determined dog, from reaching his wound. For this reason, an electronic collar is the way to go when your dog is going to be left alone for a period of time.
The inconvenients: It can be stressful for dogs to get used to and makes navigating around the house, food and drink a bit difficult.
How to Help Your Dog Adjust to Wearing an E-Collar
When it comes to helping your dog adjust to wearing an electronic collar, I’m not going to lie – it’s not fun and it’s something I still feel guilty about. They’re restrictive, but that’s why they’re the safest option to keep your dog from licking his wounds. If you feel guilty that your dog has to wear an electronic collar, remember that it’s in his best interest and it’s only temporary. This prevents them from inadvertently delaying the healing process by reopening their wound or causing an infection.
Since the cone itself is wider than their head and limits their peripheral vision, it’s not uncommon for dogs to bump into things when they get used to wearing it. Make sure your dog has a wide enough path to comfortably navigate the house. Stairs and doorways can be particularly tricky, so remember to take it slow and encourage them to adapt to navigation.
You will also need to help your dog get used to eating or drinking. If your dog’s bowls are against a wall, you’ll want to move them around so your dog’s cone doesn’t hit the wall every time he goes to eat or drink. Depending on the bowl you’re using, your dog’s e-collar may rub against the edges when he tries to eat. You can try using a shallower bowl, or you can try adjusting the height to see if that helps. If that doesn’t work, you can remove his electronic collar at dinnertime. Don’t forget to put it back when they’re done.
Dogs usually get used to wearing an electronic collar after a day or two, but if your dog is really upset or nervous, you might want to consider one of the other options below, such as a slightly less intrusive inflatable collar.
Inflatable or flexible E-collars
If you’re not a fan of traditional electronic collars, you can opt for a softer, inflatable option. They mimic the shape of traditional electronic collars, but aren’t as restrictive.
Keep in mind that inflatable collars aren’t big enough to keep your dog from licking easy-to-reach wounds on his paws or legs. They can be a good option when you’re home with your dog and can keep an eye on him, but make sure it will be restrictive enough to work before leaving your dog alone with one.
Advantages: Depending on how flexible your dog is and where his injury is, inflatable options can be just as reliable as a plastic electronic collar when it comes to keeping your dog from playing with his injury.
The inconvenients: Although they are more comfortable than a plastic electronic collar, they probably won’t be able to prevent your dog from accessing an “easy to reach” incision site, such as the one on the lower leg for most dogs. dogs.
A good old fashioned t-shirt can be a good option to keep your dog from licking his wounds if he has a cut on his stomach or side. As with an inflatable electronic collar, its effectiveness depends on your dog and whether or not you are there to monitor it.
I wouldn’t recommend using a t-shirt if your dog needs to be left alone while you go to work, as a t-shirt is easy to move around. However, for evening cuddles or walks when you’re with your dog, they can be a great option that isn’t as uncomfortable as a plastic e-collar.
The only downside to a t-shirt is that, unlike an e-collar, it will need to be changed every other day, especially if it gets wet. But if you’re going to be home with your dog while he recovers and you can keep an eye on him to make sure he leaves the shirt alone, this can be a good, less restrictive option.
Advantages: Much less restrictive than an e-collar and good for supervised periods of time.
The inconvenients: Not as restrictive as electronic collars, not recommended for use when your dog is home alone.
Distraction techniques in your presence
A great little trick to keep your dog from licking his wounds is to give him something mentally stimulating to do while he recovers, like a stuffed kong.
Kongs are especially nice for surgical recovery because, unlike some treat-dispensing toys, they don’t require your dog to get up and move around. So if your dog is recovering from surgery, you don’t have to worry about him playing too hard and possibly irritating the incision site. And if you freeze treats inside, your dog will be occupied even longer.
Advantages: A great way to give your dog something mentally stimulating to do while he recovers.
The inconvenients: By itself, a toy or method of distraction is not reliable enough to ensure that they will leave their wounds alone. Use only under supervision.

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