25 dietary recommendations for Frenchies with sensitive stomachs
There are few things worse than dealing with diarrhea in your Frenchie! We asked our 800,000 members of the…
How to Get a Dog Interested in Puzzle Toys
Reviewed and verified by
Doctor Paola Cuevas
Knowledge, MVZ
What’s Mew in Catster? October 2022 events
October 2022 Pawlidays
Throughout the month:
Pet Health Month
Animal safety and protection monthwhole!-->…
Half of the bird species on Earth are facing decline
A study published today by BirdLife International shows that 49 percent of the world's approximately 11,000…
Reports of animal abuse on social media have doubled in the past year
The RSPCA survey showed that more than 11 million people have viewed animal cruelty online
The RSPCA has seen…
Can cats become addicted to treats, food or catnip?
There are a lot of things to remember when it comes to caring for a cat. Not only do you need to remember…
Prepare for an emergency evacuation with pets
Preparing for an emergency evacuation requires extra planning when your family includes pets. Taking the…
35 Diet Recommendations For Chihuahuas With Sensitive Stomachs
There are few things worse than dealing with diarrhea in your Chihuahua! We asked our 800,000 members of the…
Deciphering Ages and Stages in Cat
Of all the myths about companion animals, one that persists (and keeps pushing me back) is the idea that cats…
Deadly Algal Bloom May Cause Food Shortage for Bay Area Migratory Waterfowl
Dead fish are seen floating in Lake Merritt in the San Francisco Bay…