How strong is your cat’s memory?
Last updated on: September 27, 2022 by Crystal Uys
Cats actually have incredible memories! They can…
4 main causes of the loss of mobility of the Saint Bernard
1. Hip dysplasia and St. Bernard
The St. Bernard breed has a high risk of developing hip dysplasia. As a…
Why Adaptability Makes Dogs Happier Than People
How resilient are you? Here's what we can learn from our puppies
Today I can't wait to share something with you,…
Tips to avoid cutting your dog’s nails
Good nail care isn't just about aesthetics - your dog's nails can contribute to their overall health. If left…
Advances in Window Safety Go to Cornell Lab and Cornell Campus
Every year, up to a billion birds die from window strikes in the US, species of all sizes brought down by the…
Keeping your cat happy and out of trouble, Part 1: Jumping on cabinets and other…
Happy cats don't cause problems. so no Much Trouble at least! If your cat is causing you some grief (hey, that…
How to Start a Dog Food Business: 10 Tips and Tricks
Given how important nutrition is to pet health, starting your own dog food business can be an interesting…
BirdCast’s New Dashboard Highlights the Hottest States and Counties for Bird…
A compilation of BirdCast data describes the top states for bird migration during fall 2021. The heaviest…
7 tips to keep your pet safe while playing outside – PLAY
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From tossing the frisbee, playing fetch, or camping under the stars, there are tons…
Birding Cazalla Soaring Bird Observatory – 10,000 Birds
After weeks of preparation (and not writing many 10,000 Bird posts), my husband and I are in Spain. Algeciras,…