Do you have a dog? The owner of a domestic animal must take care of his dog, his cat or any animal he adopts. You need to ensure its food, water, shelter, and regular grooming and vet visits. You should also make sure your pet gets plenty of exercise, as they are likely to develop problems with weight gain. As a common practice, you can take them for a walk or run daily for their physical and mental fitness. If you live in an apartment or house with a small yard, it will be best to get creative in helping your dog get enough exercise. Take your pet for long walks at the dog park. If you don’t have time, you can hire a dog walker to take care of it.
Grooming is another essential aspect of caring for your dog. Keep his coat healthy. Grooming can also create bonding time for you and your pet. Daily grooming tasks include brushing, shampooing and trimming nails. Also, don’t forget to take your dog to the vet for regular checkups to keep him healthy so he doesn’t catch any problems early. Like humans, dogs are also susceptible to different types of illnesses. Have you heard of vestibular disease or old dog syndrome?
Vestibular disease affects a dog’s sense of balance, causing various symptoms such as circling, head tilting, and nystagmus. Nystagmus refers to involuntary rapid eye movements – up and down, side to side, etc. Vestibular syndrome can also cause a loss of appetite in your pet. The exact cause of vestibular disease may be elusive, but most believe it is related to an inner ear infection, tumor, or head injury. If your dog suffers from this condition, it is best to have him checked out by a veterinarian as soon as possible. Of course, you may panic after noticing the symptoms of this disease in your canine friend. But the relief is that your dog can recover.

More information on vestibular disease
Although the condition is usually not fatal, it can be debilitating and cause great suffering. Dogs can lose their sense of coordination and balance, which increases the risk of falls and accidents. If your dog has this problem, working closely with your veterinarian to ensure your dog receives the best possible care can be helpful. Experts inform that vestibular disease in dogs can be a sudden event. The condition may not change or progress. Usually, dogs face this syndrome when their middle or inner ear has a problem. Because the vestibular system provides balance, your dog becomes dizzy or won’t walk straight when affected.
During the first 24 to 48 hours of illness, a dog may exhibit severe symptoms that may improve within 72 hours. It takes about 2 to 3 weeks to recover from this condition.
Causes and signs of vestibular disease

Whether your dog took antibiotics, he may contract this disease as a side effect. Or, there may be other health reasons, such as hypothyroidism, tumors, ruptured eardrum, and trauma apart from ear infections. You can inquire with your veterinarian. However, sometimes it can happen without any specific cause. The doctor may speak of idiopathic vestibular disease. Doberman pinschers and German shepherds may be at higher risk for this disease. But any older dog can also fall prey to this condition. It also does not mean that the youngest are safe.
This is why it is essential to monitor the symptoms of this disease in your animal. You already know that loss of balance, head tilt, and lack of appetite are common scenarios. But your dog may exhibit other manifestations including vomiting, keeping legs apart when standing, sleeping on hard floors, etc. When you see any of these indications, you should take your pet to a qualified veterinarian for a thorough examination. They will review your dog’s general health and records to determine the right course of treatment.
In some cases, dogs do not need medical assistance. The symptoms go away on their own. However, that doesn’t mean you can avoid a trip to your vet’s office. In some cases, these symptoms can also occur due to other serious illnesses. Proper examination is essential to understand the underlying problem.
Treatment and cure of vestibular diseases

Your dog may suffer from motion sickness or mild discomfort due to this medical condition. However, the dog can naturally recover within a few weeks. And until symptoms prevail, a dog may face discomfort. You don’t have to think about the pain or the risk of death. Still, monitoring your pet is crucial. If it gets serious, your dog will need a thorough examination to detect if there is anything wrong. The vet may recommend anti-nausea medications if a dog feels nauseous or vomits. Sometimes dogs stop drinking water because of illness. For this, he may need IV fluids for hydration. More specifically, the natural treatment for this disease lies in waiting and observing the symptoms.
At the same time, you need to create a comfortable environment around your canine friend so he can rest properly. Keep food and drink close at hand. Because this condition causes balance issues, you can remove any obstacles from the floor. Also, make sure he doesn’t climb the stairs, as it can be risky during this time.
Raising a pet is not an easy task. It takes a lot of care, love and affection from you for your dog. No matter how busy you are, you need to make room for your pet in your life. It is essential for their health and well-being. Dogs need close supervision and a hygienic environment – their minds and bodies can give up due to certain conditions or medications. When you spend time with them, you will know why they behave in a specific way. If anything seems strange, you can immediately consult a veterinarian to make sure everything is fine. When it comes to vestibular disorders, you don’t have to worry much about him. Just pay attention to his health.
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