Last updated: December 12, 2022 by Crystal Uys
Most of the time, cats are irresistible. I can’t help but want to give my cats a big squeeze when they do something adorable, a la Hugo the Abominable Snowman talking about wanting to hug and hug Bugs Bunny. Some cats make it very clear that they don’t like hugs, while others may be a little more stoic in their response. Do cats generally like hugs?
Do cats like hugs?
I have three cats, and each cat reacts differently to being picked up and hugged. Nutmeg makes it clear that hugs aren’t his thing by trying to get out of my arms the second his feet leave the floor. Even if I don’t take her in my arms to hug her, she immediately frees herself from my arms.
Noodles will tolerate a hug, but it doesn’t seem to be her favorite form of affection, preferring instead to yell at us at 5am until we pet her.
Aslan whistles when picked up or confined, so it’s safe to say he’s not a fan. Then again, it could be because I followed him around the house saying, “let me love you!”

What does science say?
Anecdotes can feel very strong when you’re the one living them, but the experience can vary greatly from situation to situation. That’s why it’s important to look to science to give us a better idea of how our cats really feel when cuddled.
In general, studies and anecdotes indicate that most cats do not appreciate hugs. Cats generally don’t like to be confined, and cuddling can be very restrictive, to say the least. Many cats are also very fond of their own space, so they may not appreciate having their personal boundaries crossed for the sake of a cuddle.
On the other hand, cats are all individuals and some cats tolerate hugs. Some cats even enjoy being hugged and may return the hug along with other signs of affection, such as purring, licking, and snuggling. Certain cat breeds may be more likely to appreciate cuddles than others, such as the laid-back Scottish Fold, the loving Ragdoll, and the warmth-seeking Sphynx. Even within these breeds, each cat is an individual, so don’t expect breed to be the only determining factor in whether your cat likes cuddles.
Can I get my cat to like cuddles?
It’s hard to say if there’s a way to teach your cat to appreciate hugs because there are so many factors at play that determine why your cat doesn’t like hugs and if there are ways to you to work on some of these factors.
One thing that will work in your favor to help your cat love cuddles is to start them young. Noodles was about 8 weeks old when we found her, and she’s our most cuddle-tolerant cat. Nutmeg was already 6 months old when we adopted her from a shelter. Even though she was living with a foster family, she hadn’t been carried, hugged, or carried much.
Aslan was 7 years old when I adopted him from a local animal shelter. The shelter was able to tell me that he came from a home with other animals, but not much else was known, so it’s impossible to know how much he was handled. It’s possible all my cats would love cuddles if they had all started cuddling regularly at a young age.
Sometimes your cat won’t like cuddles, even if you start her as the smallest kitten. This is because your cat is an individual with their own preferences and personality. Much like how your cat prefers chicken over fish, or likes ear scratches rather than butt scratches, your cat may be a cat that doesn’t like cuddles no matter what you try.

Doesn’t my cat love me?
Just because your cat doesn’t like cuddles doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you. Cats are very intelligent animals that show a lot of empathy and affection towards other animals and people. Even without hugs, cats are pros at showing their love in their own way. We all know purring as a sign of happiness in cats, but cats show affection in different ways. Does your cat drop their favorite toy in your face when you’re feeling down? It could be your cat showing you love in their favorite way.
Most cats don’t like hugs, but some cats tolerate hugs and some love hugs. Don’t be discouraged if your cat doesn’t seem to like hugs. None of my cats appreciate my love and affection in the form of hugs, although I steal some of their love that way. If you are one of the lucky ones who has a cat that loves cuddles, hang in there! It’s a rare gift that most cats don’t want to give. If your cat isn’t a hugger, however, keep an eye out for other ways your cat shows love to you, as well as ways to show your cat how much you love her without pushing the boundaries of her personal space. .
Featured Image Credit: Veera, Shutterstock
Ivy’s mom cat – a feisty little rescue kitten who is her one and only child. For the moment! Throughout her life, she was introduced to the special love that can be found in bonding with a cat. Having owned several felines, she is more than certain that their love is unmatched, unconditional and unlike any other. With a passion for educating the public on all there is to know about felines, their behavior and their unique personalities, Crystal is dedicated to ensuring that all cats and their owners know the importance of living mindfully – and to love!
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