What the Inflation Reduction Act Means for Water in the West


Earlier this week, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, signaling increased federal investment in tackling the climate crisis. The new law provides unprecedented levels of funding for renewable energy, climate resilience, agriculture, forestry, and environmental justice initiatives. All of these programs will benefit the West by reducing emissions and providing meaningful action to address climate change, but there are two in particular that are particularly important given the ongoing drought crisis. In the final Senate negotiations, an additional $4 billion was included to specifically address ongoing drought in the West, along with $20 billion in climate-smart agricultural practices. Audubon’s advocacy over the years and in the final negotiations of this bill has been instrumental in promoting the need for this increased focus on western waters.

Climate change is here and birds and communities are feeling its effects from coast to coast; these range from extreme storm events and sea level rise to land flooding and invasive pest infestations to extended droughts, heatwaves, and wildfires. Water is the mechanism by which many people experience climate change—that’s especially true in the American West. Continued aridification and its cascading results threaten homes, communities, Tribal nations, birds and wildlife, and even the massive water infrastructure (e.g., Hoover Dam and Glen Canyon Dam) that seem to be permanent landmarks of the Southwest. . As the climate warms, scientists expect smaller snowpacks to melt faster, drier soils to absorb moisture before it fills river systems, and punishing heat waves that increase evaporation rates . These changes threaten people and birds such as the Sandhill Crane and Western Sandpiper; two-thirds of North American birds are at risk of extinction due to climate change. Birds tell us it’s time to act.

This year, the major drought in the West has drawn attention in Washington DC Multiple legislative hearings in both the House and Senate focused on the drought and potential solutions. In fact, several Audubon staff members were asked to testify about it. In July, the House passed a major package of legislation, the Wildfire Response and Drought Resiliency Act, which includes several bills that will support birds and people throughout the West. Audubon and our partners continue to raise the importance of conservation in federal discussions.

Audubon and our partners were instrumental in helping the Inflation Reduction Act cross the finish line and we thank the Congressional champions who fought for new climate resilience and drought funding, including adding language for ecosystems and habitat restoration project to address the issues directly caused by it. through drought in a river basin or inland body of water (which may be directed to the Salton Sea or Great Salt Lake—two top priorities at Audubon). The final language places a focus on long-term water conservation, rather than just short-term solutions, and requires compliance with relevant environmental laws. In addition, we are pleased that the funding made available for drought relief will not come at the expense of other conservation programs; rather, it is entirely new funding. Additionally, hundreds of millions of dollars are included for Tribal climate resilience and adaptation programs, near-term drought relief actions to reduce the effects of drought for Tribes, watershed health and forest management for the US Forest Service, resilience actions for Interior agencies including the National Wildlife Refuge System, and Endangered Species Act recovery plans.

Climate-smart agricultural funding is critical to helping western farmers and communities access financing and technical assistance to build climate resilience, including implementing water-saving practices. Voluntary conservation programs, such as the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP), Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), and Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) are provides funding and cooperation to implement projects for water conservation, habitat restoration, and drought resilience. In addition, the Inflation Reduction Act includes $1 billion for conservation technical assistance to help producers access and implement these programs.

While the Inflation Reduction Act marks the most important climate legislation ever enacted in the United States, Audubon knows more work is needed. The aridification of the West requires a long-term, sustainable solution and federal funding in the amounts noted above will not be available every year. Every sector and water user in the West needs to contribute to solving the challenge in a collaborative way, and Audubon is proud to be a productive, active partner in these discussions. Furthermore, parts of the Inflation Reduction Act open up new areas in the country for fossil fuel leasing, undermining the climate action achieved in the law. And, additional funding is needed to address environmental justice concerns and ensure that communities previously excluded from federal opportunities are prioritized. Audubon looks forward to the clean energy and drought solutions spurred by the Inflation Reduction Act and will continue to advocate for healthy, sustainable solutions for birds and people.


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