The bond between a dog and its person is not to be underestimated. It is based on mutual love, appreciation and above all trust. Contrary to popular belief, gaining a dog’s complete trust isn’t as simple as giving a few treats and belly rubs. If you want your dog to entrust his life to you, you have to earn it. It can take months or even years of dedicated love and attention to earn a dog’s trust. Not all relationships have it, but if your dog trusts you 100%, you’ll know it. Here’s how.
1. He looks you in the eye
In human body language, eye contact can mean anything from “I take you seriously” to “Will you go out with me?” There are many different messages your eyes can send to another person, but generally looking someone in the eye tells them you’re focused and attentive. In canine body language, however, eye contact tells a whole different story. A dog that looks another dog in the eye is most likely issuing a threat. It’s a sign of dominance, and to keep the peace, most dogs avoid making eye contact with their furry friends.
Your dog won’t look into another dog’s eyes, but you’re not another dog. You are the person he trusts more than anyone else in the world. Animal Behaviorist says Alexandra Horowitz in his book, “Inside a Dog”, a dog’s ability to look into a person’s eyes non-aggressively was one of the first steps towards canine domestication. They’ve kind of learned that humans like eye contact, and by looking into a person’s eyes, they establish a meaningful connection. If you and your dog can look each other in the eye with love, it’s a sign that your dog trusts and understands you.
2. He comes to hug you
It’s easy to take dog hugs for granted when your pup is hogging the blankets and taking up most of the bed. He might kick you in his sleep or fart dangerously close to your face, but the fact that he’s sleeping with you in the first place is a good sign that you’ve earned his complete trust.
Dogs are most vulnerable when sleeping. wolves and wild dogs deliberately sleep in small, confined areas with trusted pack members for protection against predators. For your pampered dog, curled up on your bed is the safest place. Voluntary cuddles and cuddles are one of a dog’s favorite ways to show love to people. They know you won’t hurt them while they sleep, and if an unwanted visitor comes knocking, they know they’d rather be near you than far away.
3. He is confident and relaxed around you.
You can tell a lot about how a dog is feeling based on their body language. Frightened or anxious dogs will walk back and forth, curl up, tuck their tails between their paws, lick their lips, yawn when not tired, panting excessively, and sticking their ears to their head. When used in a normal context, all of these actions suggest that something is bothering your dog. For some reason, they’re not as confident or as relaxed as they should be.
On the other leg, animal behaviorist Victoria Stilwell says that dogs who trust their people often display signs of a confident and relaxed body posture. They keep their mouths slightly open, their eyes blink often, their ears protrude, and their tail wags or perky and loose. This type of body language indicates that your dog is confident around you and not afraid of being startled or startled. Your dog trusts you to keep things under control. You’ll notice your dog’s confident posture when doing household chores, taking walks, and just spending time together.
4. It responds well to your training
Most people think that training a dog is about the dog, but it’s actually about the bond shared at both ends of the leash. If the dog does not trust its handler, it is much less likely to respond well to training. Some trainers get results from lessons based on punishment and fear, but most behaviorists agree that this type of “obedience” is not the same as a dog responding to cues based on trust and fear. respect.
Many people who bring home newly adopted rescue dogs struggle with training because of trust. Rescue dogs see the worst in humanity through abuse and abandonment, and trusting their new families doesn’t come naturally. While it’s important to practice right away, it may take a rescue a few days, weeks, or months to realize that their new family is permanent. Once he feels comfortable enough to let his guard down, he can start to build trust and training goes a lot easier. If your dog seems eager and attentive during training, it’s a sign that he respects and trusts you.
5. He’s quiet when you leave
Separation anxiety is a common behavioral problem in dogs. These puppies panic when their families leave them alone and get into serious (often dangerous) trouble. Although you wouldn’t classify your dog as suffering from separation anxiety, some puppies cry, whine and scratch at the door when their favorite people disappear. Sometimes it means they want to participate in the fun they’re missing out on, but it can also mean they’re not completely convinced that the people they love will come back.
If your dog trusts you 100%, he’ll have no doubt that you’ll eventually come back for tummy rubs and playtime. He may not be happy that you leave for work every day, but most of the time he stays calm. He will patiently wait for you to finish all the mysterious human affairs you have to do, and he will be at the door ready to greet you when you return home.
6. He looks to you for reassurance and guidance
Whether you’re taking a walk or playing at the park, you and your dog are a team. You may not always agree on which tree is worth sniffing and when it’s time to come home, but your pup is happy to go on an adventure with his favorite human. For frightened and shy dogs, being outside in a new environment can be especially daunting. They find comfort in knowing that a trustworthy human being is there for moral support.
Even if your dog isn’t usually anxious outside, you can tell he trusts you if he checks in on you regularly. If he’s walking on or off a leash, he might glance your way to make sure you’re still there and to approve of his behavior. If you’re at the dog park and he’s busy wrestling with his best friends, he’ll probably stop every once in a while to come back to where you’re standing. He derives his trust from you and he is happy to involve you even if it is to a lesser extent.
Knowing that you have the complete trust of a dog is an incredible feeling. That means you’re doing all that “puppy parenting” stuff right, and you and your dog have a great bond. However, having a dog’s trust is a big responsibility. He’ll turn to you when he’s sad and scared, and you’ll be the first person he plays with when he’s happy. Never take this feeling for granted. If you want to improve trust between you and your dog, check out this article.
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