I didn’t train my first Miniature Dachshund at all. Not formally anyway.
There are several reasons why I didn’t, but probably the biggest one is that, like many people, I believed in the myth that Dachshunds were difficult or impossible to train.
You’ve probably heard people say that Dachshunds are too stubborn to train.

Or they will always do what they want instead of what you ask them to do.
But I think it does them a huge disservice.
I put the most effort into training with my third dachshund and found it to be quite an easy experience.
I LOVE the rewards too – a dachshund who does what I ask (most of the time anyway), who isn’t embarrassing to go out in public, and who doesn’t cause me stress.
In this article, I will explain a bit more about the misconception about the trainability of dachshunds.
Can you train a dachshund?
Dachshunds were originally bred to hunt small game such as badgers, foxes, rabbits and wild boar.
All of these animals can be mean and will fight back.
Dachshunds would often run ahead of hunters or burrow underground to locate their prey so they would be alone when confronted.
Because of this, Dachshunds have developed tenacity, the will to persevere, and the ability to think independently.
While these traits have made Dachshunds highly intelligent, they have also made them relentless problem solvers.
I always tell people that a Dachshund will use their intelligence and ingenuity to find an easier way around whatever you’re asking them to do in order to get the reward.
In other words, they may be inclined to try to convince you to give them the treat without actually doing what you’re asking (like sitting until the end).
These traits can also make them appear stubborn or difficult to train.
But are they?
Dachshunds are smart and eager to learn.
The stereotype is that Dachshunds are stubborn and can’t be trained, but that’s just not true.
With consistency and patience, the Dachshund can be as easy to train as any other breed.
So, to the question, “Can you train a dachshund?” the answer is absolutely!
Why do dachshunds have a reputation for being difficult to train?
If Dachshunds aren’t difficult to train, where does this stereotype come from?
Successful training really comes down to an owner clearly communicating what they want their dog to do, repetition and consistency.
This is true for any breed of dog.
However, I will say from my experience that Dachshunds may require moderately more of these things than some other dogs.
Remember above when I said a Dachshund is a problem solver who is always trying to find a shortcut to what they want?
This means that a dachshund may need more consistency.
The one time you let your dachshund get away with something you taught him not to do, he may conclude that just because you ask him to do something doesn’t mean he always has to do it. .
I like to say that it is not difficult to educate a dachshund but is easy to untrain.
But if you do these things, you can train your dachshund:
- Learn to teach them in a way they can understand (watch online videos or consult a trainer if needed)
- Make your expectations clear and consistent
- Start in a low distraction environment and progress to more challenging environments
- Do not abandon
- Continue to reinforce learned behaviors throughout your Dachshund’s life
If your Dachshund doesn’t do what you ask, consider that you aren’t clearly communicating what you want in a way he understands.
Final Thoughts
If you’re looking for an easy-to-train dog breed, the Dachshund probably falls somewhere in the middle of the spectrum.
Dachshunds are super smart and easy to train. They can learn almost anything you want them to learn.
The difference between a Dachshund and some other breeds is that they may be more interested in getting what they want rather than doing what you want.
When using an irresistible reward, these two goals will likely align.
However, what they learn must be constantly practiced and reinforced with consistent expectations.
I always say a dachshund can unlearn something as quickly as they learn it.
If you start being lax with applying learned training, or if you let them get away with something you don’t normally do, they will remember ONCE they didn’t have to do what you asked.
For a more enjoyable and peaceful life with your Dachshund, use proper Dachshund training techniques and give your dog the opportunity to practice his training or learn new skills throughout his life.

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