I love visiting the beach with my little dogs.
The beach is wide open and we often look for secluded beaches.
Because of this, it’s one of the few places where I feel comfortable letting them run around without me being on the end of the leash (or off-leash).

It also provides a lot of mental stimulation and variety to our routine.
Most of our walking and exercising time is spent around the neighborhood or hiking in the woods.
At the beach, there are more birds, dead things, salty things to smell. It’s like a cornucopia for the dog’s spirit!
However, the beach is not without danger.
Before you pack up and head to the beach with your little dog, review these important safety tips.
Make sure it’s safe to go in the water
Many dachshunds and other small dogs don’t like water, but some love swimming and can’t get enough of it.
If there is a lifeguard on the beach you are visiting and your dog is going to swim in the ocean, ask them about the tides.
It’s always important to check for debris or vegetation underwater that could hurt your dog.
If you are visiting a lake, especially if it is windy and the water is choppy, ask the lifeguard if it is advisable for your dog to enter it.
Whether the dog beach is on the ocean, lake, or river, also ask if there are any potential underwater hazards that could injure or entrap your pet, including seaweed, rocks, tree stumps or logs.
Either way, if you can’t check with someone who knows the water conditions, make the best assessment possible on your own and keep your small dog close to shore if you let him in.
Needless to say, even the most water-loving breeds should never be left in the water unattended!
Proceed with caution
Before you and your dog take the plunge, make sure he can swim and is good at it.
If you don’t already know, take your dog to an area of calmer water, if there is one, and let him practice swimming.
While being in the water is refreshing, refreshing, and enjoyable for them, the ability to swim well can vary depending on your small dog’s breed and physical condition.
Be aware that younger or older dogs may tire more quickly when swimming.
Older or very young dogs may tire more quickly than those in peak condition.
If you’re not sure if your dog can swim for a long time, you might want to consider getting them a dog life jacket to wear while in the water.
Protect your small dog from wildlife
There are often eagles and hawks on the beach and there can be dangers lurking in the water.

Although rare, there have been instances where a small dog has been swept away by a large bird of prey.
Depending on where you are in the country, there may also be large wildlife coming down to the water’s edge to drink or feed.
If your dog encounters one, the wild animal may feel the need to protect its meal or watering hole.
They might also become irritated and defensive if your small dog rushes towards them barking and attacks.
Always stay alert for wildlife in the area, call your dog back if you perceive a potential threat, and know how to defend your dog against various types of wildlife.
Keep them hydrated
Although the ocean may seem like a good source of drinking water, allowing your dog to drink salt water can cause serious health issues.
Dogs don’t have the ability to process large amounts of salt, so it builds up in their bodies and can make them very sick or even dead.
Blue-green algae can be found in lakes and streams and can be toxic to dogs.
And fresh water?
Unfortunately, blooms of toxic blue algae are increasingly common in slow-moving lakes and rivers across the country.
Due to a smaller body mass, small dogs are more vulnerable to the effects of this toxin.
If your dog ingests water containing these toxins, he can get very sick. There have even been cases where dogs have died.
There are also risks like Giardia and Leptospirosis to consider.
It is best to bring a supply of fresh water for your dog, a dog bowl, and give him the opportunity to drink regularly.
Keep them cool
While swimming in water is a great way for your pet to cool off, they could be at risk of heat stroke or fatigue when hanging out in the sand.
Don’t forget to leave room on the beach towel for them to rest in the shade to avoid getting too hot – after all, even a trimmed fur coat gets hot.
Ideally, you’d bring a portable sunshade to give you some respite from the glaring sun.
Another great option is a covered, portable pet enclosure.
Protect their skin
While you’re slathering on sunscreen at the beach, don’t forget to put some on your pooch too (but make sure the sunscreen is safe for dogs (affiliate link) – most human versions are not).
Dogs are prone to sunburn just like humans, especially short-haired, hairless, white-furred, and pink-skinned breeds.
Also, after a fun day at the beach, don’t forget to give your dog a good rinse before heading back to the car.
Salt and other minerals in seawater can irritate their skin and damage their coat.
Salt and other substances in water can irritate your dog’s coat and skin if left unwashed.
Quickly wipe the inside of the ears to remove excess water. This will help prevent the occurrence of ear infections.
Also remember to put a small bottle of vinegar in your beach bag if your dog goes in the water.
Dogs can suffer from bites or stings from things like sea lice or jellyfish.
If this happens to your dog, douse the affected area with vinegar to relieve the pain and kill the stinging barbs before attempting to remove the tentacles.

Look at the feet
You might be wondering if beach sand is too hot for dogs? It is certainly possible!
Sand can be very abrasive, especially when wet and gets stuck between his paw pads, and can burn his feet if it gets too hot.
To protect your dog’s paws from the hot sand, be sure to pat him with the back of your hand when you arrive. If he burns you after 3 seconds, he can definitely burn his feet.
To help protect your dog’s paw pads from cuts and scrapes, consider applying a paw balm like Musher’s Secret before you leave the house and check for any red or irritated spots throughout. the day.
Watch what they eat
If you’re not careful, your dog could end up getting sick after going to the beach.
There are lots of stinky, rotten things to eat and some of those things may be full of bacteria or parasites (like salmon) that can make your dog sick.
Your dog can also get sick if he eats too much sand.
Keep an eye on your dog and discourage him from eating anything.
Use the “leave” command to get your dog to drop whatever he’s trying to eat at the beach.
If your dog has a good “leave it” command, it will come in handy at the beach to keep them from eating things they shouldn’t.
If your dog eats something, take a look at what it is so you can let the vet know if your dog gets sick later.
Protect their eyes
Some dogs love to dig in the sand.
There are also days when the beach can be windy and blow a lot of sand into your dog’s eyes.
This is especially true with small dogs that are close to the ground.
If your small dog gets sand in his eyes, it could scratch his cornea and negatively affect his vision. They could also get an infection.
At a minimum, periodically check their eyes to make sure they don’t have too much sand in them.
Regularly wipe away the sand that accumulates in the inner corners of your dog’s eyes with light pressure and a soft cloth.
For more comprehensive protection, consider training your dog to wear a pair of goggles like those from RexSpecs.

Check your dog’s ID tag
Beaches are wide open spaces that are sometimes filled with people eating delicious food, other dogs, and wildlife.
This can lead to a small dog running away and getting lost.
Check your dog’s ID before going to the beach to make sure the address and phone number are up to date.
Having your dog’s ID tag up to date and undamaged so that it is legible is important.
Also make sure the label is not damaged to the point of being illegible.
If your dog needs a replacement tag, consider stopping at a big-box pet store like Petsmart or Petco along the way.
They often have machines that can print new dog tags for you in seconds.
Another temporary solution would be to use one of these tags with paper tags that attach to a house key.
You can write your information on it and cover it with a piece of tape to keep it waterproof.
Let them have fun but not too much
Some dogs enjoy swimming and chasing the ball so much that they will literally keep going until exhaustion sets in.
Swimming and running in the sand takes a lot more energy than walking around the block, so be sure to keep an eye on your dog.
If he’s swimming, watch for signs that he’s having trouble keeping his head and mouth above water.
If they run back and forth on the beach, watch for signs that they are overtired, such as slowing down considerably or limping.
By following these simple tips, not only will you and your pet enjoy your day at the beach, but your dog will be healthy and eager to get back there.
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