The Joys of Loving a Senior Dog


As a dog ages, several changes can occur in addition to a graying muzzle. Older dogs have more health issues than younger dogs, but they can still make playful and affectionate companions.

Harmony Peraza, Veterinary Technician and Study Subject Lead for the Aging Dogs Project at Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, discusses the most common health issues that can occur in an older dog.

Although there are some variations between breeds, a dog is generally considered senior at 8 years old. Large dogs may age faster, becoming seniors as early as 6 or 7 years old, while small dogs may not start showing signs of aging until they are 9 or 10 years old.

Signs of an aging dog

Arthritis is one of the most common concerns in senior dogs, which can cause a dog to move slowly and stiffly and sometimes also gain weight due to reduced activity. Providing a soft surface to lie on and reducing exposure to the elements are simple ways to help a dog with arthritis stay comfortable.


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“I also recommend contacting your dog’s veterinarian for suggestions on supplements and, in some cases, medications that can potentially help with arthritis discomfort,” Peraza says. “Aging doesn’t have to be painful for your dog.”

Many dogs also lose their hearing and vision as they age, but that doesn’t mean they can’t live a full and happy life.

“If you notice that your older dog seems withdrawn, sleeps more soundly than usual, doesn’t come to you as easily when called, or seems lost and confused, these may be signs that he has lost a part of his vision or hearing ability,” Peraza said.

Blind and deaf dogs are great at finding new ways to navigate and stay active, but they need more patience and understanding from their owners.

“Even dogs that go blind can get along really well,” Peraza said. “It is recommended to keep furniture or objects in the house and yard in an order familiar to the dog. Rearranging objects can be confusing and cause the dog to bump into newly arranged objects.

Dogs have an increased risk of cancer as they age, as well as “wear and tear” on important organs like the heart and kidneys. If an older dog has increased panting, decreased activity, vomiting, diarrhea, or a change in appetite, thirst, or frequency of urination, he should be checked by a veterinarian as he may act from symptoms of heart and kidney problems.

Pet owners can help prevent heart and kidney problems in senior dogs by following good oral hygiene.

“Red gum tissue and tartar buildup on a dog’s teeth indicate bacteria or an infection in the mouth,” Peraza said. “The bacteria are excreted into the bloodstream and directly affect the health of the animal’s heart and kidneys. Dental disease is more than just smelly breath and disgusting teeth.

Beyond the physical changes, an aging dog may also develop dementia, causing him to act withdrawn or confused.

“Keeping a dog engaged in play and training activities can help keep their brain healthy and sharp,” Peraza says. “In addition, your veterinarian may recommend special foods and supplements that, in some cases, may help delay or minimize the onset of senility.”

Finally, it can be common to find an older dog napping, but a dog that suddenly becomes less active should be evaluated by a veterinarian. While some laziness is expected from a dog that has lived a long active life, excessive sedentary behavior could indicate health issues. Even though dogs can develop health issues as they age, they can still be great pets and live well past the point of becoming senior citizens.

Listening to the needs of your senior

Throughout their lives, dogs are experts at showing unconditional love and acceptance to their owners. Once dogs reach their old age, owners can return that love to them by helping them stay comfortable, happy, and healthy.

While the adage may be that “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”, older dogs can usually do anything younger dogs can, as long as they have patience and patience. help from their owners.

“Old dogs can learn new tricks!” In fact, older dogs may be easier to train,” Peraza said. “They probably have a longer attention span and more focus than a young puppy. Also, teaching your older dog new things can help keep his mind sharp and slow signs of senility.

Owners can also help older dogs stay younger by making small changes to their diet and activity to better accommodate their aging bodies.

Diet changes for a senior dog may be recommended by a veterinarian to treat certain health conditions, encourage weight loss, or help maintain an ideal weight.

“Often an older dog doesn’t need to consume the same number of calories as a younger dog,” Peraza said. “This can be accomplished simply by eating less or switching to a lighter or lower calorie food.”

Older dogs may need fewer calories, but that doesn’t mean they should lead a sedentary lifestyle. If vigorous exercise like running or jumping has become too difficult for an older dog, he can still benefit from walking, jogging, swimming or playing.

Just like with young dogs, regular visits to the vet are important to keep older dogs healthy and comfortable. Peraza recommends taking older dogs to the vet for checkups and lab work every six to 12 months and keeping track of them for fleas, ticks, heartworms, and intestinal parasites.

“Regular monitoring of your dog’s health can lead to early discovery of problems, and early discovery of problems can increase the likelihood of a positive outcome,” Peraza said.

Most importantly, owners must remember to give a senior dog the love, attention, and comfort it deserves.

“Provide a comfortable, cool place for your pup to rest,” Peraza says. “Regular bathing and grooming is a great way to not only keep your dog clean, but also give your aging family member the opportunity to give your aging family member a nice little massage.

“A little patience, understanding and a gentle hand can go a long way with older dogs,” she said.

Dogs spend their whole lives loving us, so it’s the least we can do to make sure they stay so loved until the end.

Saying goodbye is one of the hardest parts of owning a dog, but researchers across the United States are taking some of the first steps toward extending the lifespans of our canine companions.

“We all want to help our pet dogs live long and well,” said CVM associate professor Dr Kate Creevy. “To do this, a better understanding of the aging process in dogs is needed. The Dog Aging Project brings together a community of dogs, owners, veterinarians, researchers and volunteers to advance this understanding.

This project seeks to understand how genes, lifestyle and environment influence lifespan and lifespan, the period of life spent without disease. It will enroll 10,000 pet dogs and their owners from across the United States. Learn more about


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