With warmer weather on the way, many nature lovers are excited to get out and explore the great outdoors.
But a weekend getaway isn’t complete without our best friend by our side.
While most dogs will thrive in a tent or RV, camping with an anxious dog can be a stressful experience.
Here are our tips for managing dog anxiety while camping.

What causes anxiety and reactivity in dogs?
Before we dive deep into the steps you can take to improve your next camping experience, let’s start with the basics.
What causes anxiety and reactivity in some dogs?
Responsiveness and aggressiveness are terms that are often used interchangeably, but they should not be confused.
Whereas reactivity can lead to aggressive behaviornot all reactive dogs are aggressive.
A reactive dog is simply a dog that overreacts to certain situations or stimuli.
Reactive dogs are those that overreact to specific types of stimuli or situations.
This includes excessive barking, growling, rushing, pulling on the leash, snapping, turning repeatedly, or bouncing.
While aggressive and reactive dogs may appear to show the same initial reaction, their intent is where the two are very different.
A reactive dog does not necessarily seek to lash out or inflict damage. They are so excited, stressed or overstimulated that they cannot control it.
This means that these behaviors can be managed effectively by calming your dog down and limiting the stimuli he is exposed to.
11 tips for camping with an anxious dog
Preparing to camp with your anxious or reactive dog
A successful trip starts with careful planning.
This includes making sure you have everything you’ll need throughout your trip.
It also means making strategic choices to set you and your dog up for success.
Here are some tips to consider when planning your next camping trip with a responsive dog.
1. Focus on training first
Before you go on an adventure together, make sure your dog is solid with their basic obedience skills. This will help you prevent a potentially dangerous situation.
One of the most important skills you can focus on before camping is recalling your dog, even if you plan to camp somewhere where leashes are still needed.
If your dog breaks a tether or runs out of the tent because he’s anxious, you want to be able to secure him as soon as possible to avoid any problems.
Another valuable command is the command “Look” or “Look at me”.
This allows you to easily redirect your dog’s attention from a potential trigger back to you.
Teach your dog commands such as “look at me” before your trip.
If you are walking a reactive dog and see a potential trigger in the distance, the “look” command will allow you to refocus your dog’s attention on you in order to maintain control and pull your dog out of a potentially negative situation ahead. him. occurs.
2. Choose a private or low-traffic location
If you plan to camp with a reactive dog, your choice of campsite and location is important.
Avoid crowded areas where you know there will be more traffic flow, such as near restrooms, parking areas, garbage collection, or near the public beach.
Instead, you want to try to find a more private campsite, if possible.
Choose a site away from its neighbors with a buffer zone of rocks or vegetation, if available.
A narrow entrance to a site can usually be blocked with a vehicle to prevent your dog from seeing traffic on the roadway.
You can also use your tents, trailer, or even a tarp to remove that element of visual stimulation.
3. Familiarize yourself with on-leash and off-leash areas
Some campgrounds have both off-leash areas where dogs are allowed to run free and on-leash areas where a leash is required.
If your dog is reactive, having a strange dog running at him can create an incredibly dangerous situation for all parties.
Know where the off-leash areas are to prepare for loose dogs.
Leash zones offer a higher level of control over when and how your dog encounters others.
Make sure you know where the off-leash areas are in the campground so you can stay out of the way during your trip.
Camping tips and tricks
Now that you’re at the campsite, there are a few other things to consider.
This includes everything from how you set up your site to the ongoing training required when camping with an anxious dog.
4. Consider line of sight when setting up
Whenever you travel with an anxious dog, you need to consider your surroundings from their perspective.
What can your dog see that might cause stress or anxiety while there?
By removing visual stimulation, you can reduce your dog’s anxiety.
Travel trailers, tents, vehicles, and eating shelters with privacy walls can all be used to limit what your dog can see from his designated area.
For example, if you notice there is an opening in the trees that allows for a view of the nearby site, consider pitching the tent directly in front of that area.
5. Secure your fogger with a harness and tether or dog pen
There are different ways to secure your dog safely at the campsite.
The most popular choice is to use a tether.
Make sure your dog is wearing a secure harness so he can’t slip off, and check your tie for signs of wear with every use.
Having an enclosed enclosure can make it easier to control your dog.
Another option is to keep your dog in a closed dog park or exercise pen.
This is a great solution for leash-reactive dogs who may experience increased anxiety from being tethered.
Choose an enclosure large enough for your dog to move around in and high enough to prevent him from escaping.
6. Never leave your dog alone
When it comes to an anxious dog, being left alone can be a big trigger.
They worry not only about the unfamiliar surroundings, but also that their protector is now gone.
The more stressed your dog is, the more likely he is to respond with bad behaviors like excessive barking.
Not only is this very stressful for your dog, but it can also upset anyone camping nearby (and will get you kicked out of many campgrounds).
7. Include plenty of exercise in your daily routine
When figuring out how to help your dog settle into camp while on vacation, exercise is very important!
Pent-up energy can increase your dog’s anxiety, causing him to react even more.
Getting your dog’s energy out during the day can help him sleep better.
Be sure to schedule daily walks, hikes, swimming, or other high-energy activities that will help exhaust your dog.
When you return to the campsite, your dog will be delighted to curl up and relax.
As the old saying goes, A tired dog is a good dog.
8. Reinforce good behavior
Be sure to bring plenty of your dog’s favorite treats, or training treats, and keep them handy throughout the trip.
This is a priority when deciding what to bring on your next trip!
Throughout the day, when your dog stays calm and avoids reacting to the sights or sounds of camping, reward him with a tasty morsel.
To be coherent. Over time, this will reinforce the behaviors you would like to see.
If you’re taking your dog camping for the first time, be realistic with your expectations. Everything is new and different.
You will need to teach your dog to respond appropriately to the sounds of nearby campers, dogs barking in the campsite, and people walking past your campsite.
As your dog begins to know your expectations, you’ll notice that it takes less effort to keep him calm.
9. Provide positive distractions
For dog owners who are worried about how to stop barking while camping, this is a great solution.
When you’re hanging around your campsite and want to keep your dog calm and quiet, try offering a food puzzle toy filled with some of his favorite treats.
This could be an elaborate food puzzle where your dog has to figure out how to unlock a treat or a simpler option like a Kong or another food-stuffed treat toy.
If you plan to camp in a tent trailer or RV with access to a fridge and freezer, you can fill these toys with all sorts of delicious options and freeze them to keep your dog entertained for longer.
Having a distraction like a puzzle or a treat can be helpful.
Providing a cold or frozen treat is also a great way to cool down on a hot day outside.
As long as your dog’s attention is on the food puzzle, he is less likely to react to nearby sights or sounds.
10. Create a calm and relaxing atmosphere
Your dog senses and reacts to your emotions.
If you are stressed or anxious, it will increase the chances that your dog will be too.
Even if the situation is not ideal, try to remain calm.
Avoid yelling or over-excitement at your campsite that could upset your dog.
11. Give Your Dog a Natural Calming Supplement
Ideally, your dog would be able to calm down and calm down through training, your guidance, and repeated exposure to upsetting stimuli.
But it usually takes a while and some dogs are so anxious that this level is never reached.
Instead of just hoping your dog will tolerate stress, you can help him stay calm in stressful situations by giving him a natural calming supplement.
The one that works best for my dog’s anxiety is CBD for dogs.
Read my review of our favorite HempMy Pet brand HERE.
Remember Not All Dogs Will Be Camping Dogs
While there are things you can do to make your anxious or reactive dog more comfortable, we also need to be honest with ourselves.
Not all dogs will be comfortable in a camp.
If you know that taking your dog camping is a source of stress and anxiety for you and your dog, it may be best not to take him.
Consider booking them a relaxing stay at your local dog resort on your next camping trip and you can both return home feeling rested and refreshed.
Are you camping with a reactive or anxious dog? If so, what are your tips for a successful and enjoyable trip?
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