Your dog can hurt himself by pulling too hard on the leash



“apw_handle”: “greenmin-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”196226957″ data-pw-url=”/products/greenmin-for-dogs” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap “u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content “u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eGreenMin® u003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eAll Natural Mineral Superfoodu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n nn n nu003cdiv class=”single-product-rating”u003enu003cdiv class=”clickable-review-rating modal-review-loader” data-tag=”greenmin” data-title=”GreenMin® ” data-image=”//″u003en u003cdiv class=”crr-stars”u003eu003c/divu003en u003cstrongu003eu003c/strongu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003e n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eAll natural mineral and amino acid rich green superfood for dogsu003ca href=”/products/greenmin-for-dogs” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-1″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eGMO Freeu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg canadian-notes”u003en n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”″ data-off-screen-loader=”″ data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en u003cspanu003eMade in Canadau003c/spanu003en u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg usa-notes”u003en n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”″ data-off-screen-loader=”″ data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en u003cspanu003eMade in USAu003c/spanu003en u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/products/greenmin-for-dogs” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it for your dogu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “gutsense-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”263799357″ data-pw-url=”/products/gutsense” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap “u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content “u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eGutSense® u003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eProbiotic for Dogs – Made with Organic Ingredientsu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n nn n nu003cdiv class=”single-product-rating”u003enu003cdiv class=”clickable-review-rating modal-review-loader” data-tag=”gutsense” data-title=”GutSense® ” data-image=”//″u003en u003cdiv class=”crr-stars”u003eu003c/divu003en u003cstrongu003eu003c/strongu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003e n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eMost canine probiotics are made of human probiotic bacteria strains. GutSense is different. We have meticulously cherry-picked each probiotic strain to reflect the natural microflora of dogs. This product also contains prebiotics for best intestinal health. Made in USA.u003ca href=”/products/gutsense” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-2″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg “u003en n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”″ data-off-screen-loader=”″ data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en u003cspanu003eMade in USAu003c/spanu003en u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/products/gutsense” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it for your dogu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “feelgood-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”8434481616″ data-pw-url=”/products/feelgood-omega” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap “u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content “u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eFeelGood Omega® u003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003ePure u0026 Sustainable Omega Oilu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n nn n nu003cdiv class=”single-product-rating”u003enu003cdiv class=”clickable-review-rating modal-review-loader” data-tag=”feelgood” data-title=”FeelGood Omega® ” data-image=”//″u003en u003cdiv class=”crr-stars”u003eu003c/divu003en u003cstrongu003eu003c/strongu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003e n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eA pure, sustainable-source Omega-3 (EFA) oil. Micro filtered, tested toxin and heavy metal free.u003ca href=”/products/feelgood-omega” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-3″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eGMO Freeu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg “u003en n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”″ data-off-screen-loader=”″ data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en u003cspanu003eMade in Norwayu003c/spanu003en u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/products/feelgood-omega” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it for your dogu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “essentials-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”” data-pw-url=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap appwdropshadow aadt-pad”u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ style=”max-width:86%;height:auto;”u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content apwc-not-product”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eEssentialsu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eFor a long and healthy lifeu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eBrowse our best selling, natural and organic essential supplements for dogs.u003ca href=”/collections/essential-supplements” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-4″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg “u003en n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”″ data-off-screen-loader=”″ data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en u003cspanu003eMade in USAu003c/spanu003en u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eCertified Organicu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eGMO Freeu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/collections/essential-supplements” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it for your dogu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “longevity-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”” data-pw-url=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap appwdropshadow “u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ style=”max-width:71%;height:auto;”u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content apwc-not-product”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eHealth u0026 Longevityu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eCourse for dog loversu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eBased on my experience, even a few simple adjustments in your dog’s life can easily extend his or her life by several years and you and I know that there is nothing more valuable than the gift of extra time with your best friend.u003ca href=”/pages/courses” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn n n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/pages/courses” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003estart the course nowu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “mobility-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”” data-pw-url=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap appwdropshadow “u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content apwc-not-product”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eMobility u0026 Arthritisu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eCourse for holistic treatmentu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eNatural approach to treatment and prevention of arthritis in dogs. Learn how to approach your dog’s arthritis and mobility issues without side-effect causing drugs with Dr. Megan Kelly, DVM and Dr. Peter Dobias, DVM.u003ca href=”/pages/course-mobility” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn n n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/pages/course-mobility” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it for your dogu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “soulfood-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”196227409″ data-pw-url=”/products/soulfood-multivitamin-for-dogs” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap “u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content “u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eSoulFood® u003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eCertified organic multivitaminu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n nn n nu003cdiv class=”single-product-rating”u003enu003cdiv class=”clickable-review-rating modal-review-loader” data-tag=”soulfood” data-title=”SoulFood® ” data-image=”//″u003en u003cdiv class=”crr-stars”u003eu003c/divu003en u003cstrongu003eu003c/strongu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003e n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eSoulFood® is a revolutionary USDA certified organic multivitamin formula for dogs of all ages made with a patented, proprietary, all natural probiotic fermentation process.u003ca href=”/products/soulfood-multivitamin-for-dogs” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-7″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eGMO Freeu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg canadian-notes”u003en n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”″ data-off-screen-loader=”″ data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en u003cspanu003eMade in Canadau003c/spanu003en u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg usa-notes”u003en n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”″ data-off-screen-loader=”″ data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en u003cspanu003eMade in USAu003c/spanu003en u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eCertified Organicu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/products/soulfood-multivitamin-for-dogs” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it for your dogu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “skinspray-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”202349013″ data-pw-url=”/products/skin-spray” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap “u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content “u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eSkin Sprayu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eHerbal skin and wound careu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n nn n nu003cdiv class=”single-product-rating”u003enu003cdiv class=”clickable-review-rating modal-review-loader” data-tag=”skin” data-title=”Dr. Dobias Skin Spray ” data-image=”//″u003en u003cdiv class=”crr-stars”u003eu003c/divu003en u003cstrongu003eu003c/strongu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003e n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eHeal owwiees and booboos quickly and naturally. Say goodbye to toxic chemicals antibiotics and anti-fungals. 100% satisfaction guaranteed!u003ca href=”/products/skin-spray” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-8″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eGMO Freeu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg “u003en n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”″ data-off-screen-loader=”″ data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en u003cspanu003eMade in Canadau003c/spanu003en u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/products/skin-spray” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it todayu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “hairq-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”196227309″ data-pw-url=”/products/hairq-test” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap appwdropshadow “u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ style=”max-width:89%;height:auto;”u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content “u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eHairQ Testu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eThe secrets in your dog’s hairu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n nn n nu003cdiv class=”single-product-rating”u003enu003cdiv class=”clickable-review-rating modal-review-loader” data-tag=”hairq” data-title=”HairQ Test ” data-image=”//″u003en u003cdiv class=”crr-stars”u003eu003c/divu003en u003cstrongu003eu003c/strongu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003e n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eA HairQ test provides you with a sensitive indicator of the long-term effects of diet and toxic metal exposure. Our tests results are obtained through a clinical, government approved lab.u003ca href=”/products/hairq-test” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-9″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/products/hairq-test” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it for your dogu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “cleanse-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”” data-pw-url=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap aadt-pad”u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ style=”max-width:84%;height:auto;”u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content apwc-not-product”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eCleanse u0026 Detoxu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eNatural guidelinesu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eLearn how to run our twice annual cleanse and detox program for your dog.u003ca href=”/pages/dog-cleanse” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-10″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/pages/dog-cleanse” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003estart the cleanse nowu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “harness-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”9478226384″ data-pw-url=”/products/perfect-fit-harness-builder” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap aadt-pad”u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content “u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003ePerfect Fit Harnessu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eBuild your ownu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n nn n nu003cdiv class=”single-product-rating”u003enu003cdiv class=”clickable-review-rating modal-review-loader” data-tag=”perfect” data-title=”Perfect Fit Harness ” data-image=”//″u003en u003cdiv class=”crr-stars”u003eu003c/divu003en u003cstrongu003eu003c/strongu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003e n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eMade in England, the Perfect Fit Harness is a modular system that allows you to create a fleece-lined harness perfectly fitted to your dog.u003ca href=”/products/perfect-fit-harness-builder” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-11″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg “u003en n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”″ data-off-screen-loader=”″ data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en u003cspanu003eMade in UKu003c/spanu003en u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/products/perfect-fit-harness-builder” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it for your dogu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “leash-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”4487188250676″ data-pw-url=”/products/gentle-leash” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap aadt-pad”u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ style=”max-width:84%;height:auto;”u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content “u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eGentleu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eSoft handmade leashesu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n nn n nu003cdiv class=”single-product-rating”u003enu003cdiv class=”clickable-review-rating modal-review-loader” data-tag=”gentle” data-title=”Gentle Leash ” data-image=”//″u003en u003cdiv class=”crr-stars”u003eu003c/divu003en u003cstrongu003eu003c/strongu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003e n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eOur best selling leash, environmentally friendly, 100% natural wool, strong and lightweight, shock absorbing for your dogs safety. Handmade in Canada.u003ca href=”/products/gentle-leash” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-12″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg “u003en n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”″ data-off-screen-loader=”″ data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en u003cspanu003eMade in Canadau003c/spanu003en u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/products/gentle-leash” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it for your dogu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “fleahex-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”1273892293″ data-pw-url=”/products/fleahex-wash” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap aadt-pad”u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content apwc-not-product”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eGentleu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eAll natural flea controlu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eOur new generation, plant-based flea control for dogs includes FleaHex Wash, FleaHex Household Spray and TickHex (tick and flea body spray). We guarantee that you will get rid of fleas and ticks and keep them from coming back!u003ca href=”/products/gentle-leash” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-13″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eGMO Freeu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eCertified Organicu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/products/gentle-leash” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it for your dogu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
} ,

“apw_handle”: “tickhex-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”9158487568″ data-pw-url=”/products/tickhex” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap “u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content “u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eTickHexu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eAll natural tick controlu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n nn n nu003cdiv class=”single-product-rating”u003enu003cdiv class=”clickable-review-rating modal-review-loader” data-tag=”tickhex” data-title=”TickHex® ” data-image=”//″u003en u003cdiv class=”crr-stars”u003eu003c/divu003en u003cstrongu003eu003c/strongu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003e n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eTickHex® was born out of a desire to create a natural, non-toxic, plant-based product to keep your dog tick and flea free without toxic chemicals and drugs. Guaranteed efficacy.u003ca href=”/products/tickhex” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-14″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eGMO Freeu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg “u003en n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”″ data-off-screen-loader=”″ data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en u003cspanu003eMade in USAu003c/spanu003en u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/products/tickhex” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it for your dogu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
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“apw_handle”: “dog-tool”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”” data-pw-url=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap aadt-pad”u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content apwc-not-product”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eHealthy Dog Toolu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eFor a longer, healthier life for your dogu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eSimply enter your dog’s details and health concerns to receive automatic article recommendations, helpful tips, and learn how natural supplements can help your dog achieve optimal health.u003ca href=”/pages/healthydogtool” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-15″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/pages/healthydogtool” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003ePlay Nowu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003esee what you learn!u003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
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“apw_handle”: “rawdiet-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”” data-pw-url=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap appwdropshadow aadt-pad”u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content apwc-not-product”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eRaw u0026 Cooked Diet Courseu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003evideo, resources, and FAQsu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eA quick and easy course to learn how to feed a raw or cooked natural diet for your dog. Through the videos, articles and resources provided you will understand the essence of raw (or cooked) diet feeding and be able to tailor it to your dog’s needsu003ca href=”/pages/course-rawdiet” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-16″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eGMO Freeu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eCertified Organicu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/pages/course-rawdiet” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor take the courseu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
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“apw_handle”: “happy-holidays”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”” data-pw-url=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap appwdropshadow aadt-pad”u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content apwc-not-product”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eHappy Holidays -u003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eMake the Holiday Giving Meaningful!u003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eGive your dog or your friend’s dog the gift of good health and long life, receive 10- 20% off and we will ship it for free worldwide on orders over $129.00! Plus get a free tote with Skai and his friends on it!u003ca href=”” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-17″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eCertified Organicu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#d50000;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eup to 20% offu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
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“apw_handle”: “raw-diet-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”” data-pw-url=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap appwdropshadow “u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//×600-raw-ad-1_large.jpg?v=1569024150″ style=”max-width:83%;height:auto;”u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content apwc-not-product”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eHealthy recipe builder for dogs.u003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eTell your dog “I Love You” by making a tasty, healthy and balanced meal.nCreate natural, homemade dog food recipes in minutes with our Healthy Dog Food Recipe Maker.u003ca href=”/pages/healthy-recipe-maker” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn n n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/pages/healthy-recipe-maker” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eTry it nowu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
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“apw_handle”: “livertune-blog-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”4173696761908″ data-pw-url=”/products/livertune-supplement” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap “u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content “u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eLiverTuneu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eCertified Organic, Naturally Fermented Liver Supportu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eCarefully formulated to support your canine friend’s liver, eliminate heavy metals and toxins for optimal health and longevity.u003ca href=”/products/livertune-supplement” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-19″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eGMO Freeu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg “u003en n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”″ data-off-screen-loader=”″ data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en u003cspanu003eMade in USAu003c/spanu003en u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”” data-off-screen-loader=”” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eCertified Organicu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/products/livertune-supplement” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it for your dogu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”


Can a collar hurt a dog’s neck?

Before you start reading this article, I invite you to do a little test. Open your hands keeping your thumbs together. Place your thumbs at the base of your throat and your fingers around your neck. Now take a deep breath, squeeze and pull with all your strength, keeping your thumbs connected.

If you haven’t passed out by now and are still reading these lines, I’m sure the feeling wasn’t comfortable. You may never have thought of it, but that’s how many dogs feel when they’re on a leash attached to a collar.

If you are still keen to continue this experiment, put a choke chain around your neck and attach it to a leash. Have a friend grab the end of the leash and pull and shake it periodically. Welcome to the dog world!

No, I’m not going to make you continue this experiment and ask you to test another torture device, the claw collar. I just want you to become more aware of what’s going on.

A story of a walk in the rainforest

One day Skai and I took one of our favorite walks in a beautiful canyon near our home. The wild river has carved out a breathtaking canyon with moss-covered cliffs, whitewater rapids and ancient rainforest trees.

As soon as I pulled into the parking lot and let Skai out of the car, I noticed a man with a young German Shepherd on a leash. The poor little pup had a hard time saying hello, but the man had a different idea. He was determined to keep his dog from getting near us by tugging and jerking hard on the leash attached to a choke chain. With each jerk, I found myself closing my eyes, shaking, and feeling sorry for the poor dog who was coughing and gagging with each jerk.

Suddenly the voice in my head whispered, “Peter, you have to say something. This poor dog can’t speak for himself and he hurts himself. The voice continued, “Perhaps the man isn’t even aware of what he’s doing?

“Excuse me,” I began hesitantly. “You may not know it, but the choke chain you’re using is causing your dog discomfort.” I started. “Have you ever thought about what it feels like to have a collar? Your dog’s neck can be out of alignment and the trauma could lead to many other problems.”

“Thanks for telling me, I’ll keep that in mind,” the man replied.

With a sigh of relief, I continued my walk and hoped the man would indeed keep our brief interaction in mind.

Negative effects of pulling and jerking the leash

A jolt can cause a lifelong problem. If you’ve ever had neck or back pain, you might understand. Most people feel the effect throughout the body, and chronic pain can easily make you feel 10-20 years older.

Why is that? The neck and cervical spine are one of the most important energy channels in the body. If the flow of energy between the head and the neck is interrupted or restricted, a whole host of problems can arise, from lameness and skin problems, to allergies and even cancer.

A List of Common Collar Injuries in Dogs

Before going into details, here is a list of common problems resulting from the use of collars:

  • Thyroid injuries and hypothyroidism
  • Vagus nerve damage (the vagus nerve controls internal organs)
  • Ear & Eye problems
  • Licking paws and lameness of the forelegs (often misdiagnosed as allergies)
Why Hypothyroidism (Low Thyroid Gland Hormone) Is Linked To Collar-Related Injuries

For a very long time, I’ve been puzzled as to why dogs commonly known for leash pulling, such as Labradors, Retrievers, and German Shepherds, have such high rates of thyroid gland problems. One day I realized that the collar presses on the throat exactly in the area of ​​​​the thyroid gland. This gland is severely traumatized every time a dog pulls on the leash.

The thyroid gland is inflamed and therefore “destroyed” by the body’s immune system which tries to eliminate the inflamed thyroid cells. The destruction of cells in the thyroid gland leads to a thyroid hormone deficiency – or hypothyroidism.

The thyroid gland governs the metabolism of each cell and its absence can have very serious consequences. Symptoms can be low energy, weight gain, skin problems, hair loss, tendency to ear infections, and organ failure, to name a few.


The vagus nerve is one of the most important structures in your dog’s nervous system. It originates in the neck and controls several vital organs such as the heart, lungs, stomach and intestinal tract.

This is one of the main reasons why a neck injury can cause other serious health issues and I hope you keep this in mind. Keeping your dog’s neck free and healthy will result in better health and a longer life.

Ear and eye problems

Eye and ear problems can also be linked to pulling on the leash. Why? My experience is that pulling decreases energy and lymphatic flow to the head leading to ear and eye ailments. My clients are often perplexed when many ear and eye problems go away after changing their dog from a collar to the correct harness.

Licking of paws and lameness of forelegs

This too can be related to your dog’s collar. Pulling on the leash often causes abnormal sensations, or tingling, in the feet. Dogs try to lick their feet, not knowing what else to do. I have seen many so-called allergic or chronically lame dogs recover completely after being changed to a special harness.

Some dogs can experience whiplash so severe that they suffer from severe neck misalignment. A neck injury can affect any part of the body and if the energy flow deficit is severe, it can even predispose the dog to cancer.

Most people don’t know that leashes and collars can cause so many problems. If you’re one of the lucky ones who lives with a non-pulling dog, congratulations! If your dog walks around you wiggling behind you, be sure to read the following lines.

“Most people don’t know that leashes and collars can cause so many problems”
The alternative to the collar: a harness

Over the years I have searched for the best way to secure dogs without the risk that a collar entails. A harness is the answer because it distributes any tugging and jerks all over the body, some harnesses release the neck and throat. Because not all harnesses are well designed this is the one i love and use for my dog.

5 Ways to Protect Your Dog From Neck Injury on a Leash

1. Ideally choose a harness that has two attachment points – a leash attachment on the front part where the neck connects to the torso (the chest opening) – and an attachment on the back. Most harnesses on the market that have a leash attachment on the back still restrict the front part of the neck, which presses on the major veins, arteries and thyroid gland, which we try to avoid.

2. Make sure your dog’s harness fits properly.

3. Use the harness only when walking on a leash and remove it when your dog is off the leash. In other words, consider the harness and leash permanently attached and remove them together to avoid skin abrasions and muscle bruising when your dog runs off-leash.

4. Make sure the harness does not press or chafe anywhere, especially the armpits and shoulders, and wash it regularly.

5. If your dog is properly trained, give him as much off-leash time as possible and use My Favorite Dog. special shock-absorbing leash.

If your dog is a puller and you think he may be suffering from a back or neck injury, I suggest you get him checked out. Initially, you may want to measure their thyroid level and check their neck and back for any signs of injury. Keep in mind that most veterinarians are not trained to check spinal alignment and working with the right practitioner is essential.

If your dog gets injured, I caution you against using NSAID painkillers such as meloxicam. Although widely used, they suppress pain, but also suppress the natural course of the inflammatory and healing response. The most common side effects are gastrointestinal ulcers, indigestion, and kidney damage, to name a few.

If you are looking for gentle and effective methods of treatment, I recommend using physiotherapy, intramuscular needle stimulation, chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathy, and massage. Maybe you are lucky and have an experienced and reputable practitioner nearby.

First of all, I want to thank you for reading this article to the end. Please join our efforts gently and pass this information on to others.

Instead of using collars to control your dog, use it to attach a tag with your phone number and address in case your best friend gets lost.

I also hope that whenever you see a dog pulling and choking attached to a collar, you won’t be afraid to speak up and educate their human about the problems this can cause. You can make a huge difference in the lives of many dogs who live with loving but oblivious people.

Recommended reading:

Why You Should Never Use a Retractable Leash on Your Dog

Retractable leash injuries are a serious problem

© Dr. Peter Dobias, DVM


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