20 Staffordshire Bull Terrier Owners Share The Best Shampoos For Itchy, Sensitive Skin

There is nothing worse than seeing your Staffordshire Bull Terrier suffer from itchy skin allergies. We posed the following question to our community of over 800,000 Staffordshire Bull Terrier owners: What shampoo do you recommend for a Staffordshire Bull Terrier with sensitive or itchy skin?

We’ve summarized the best answers below. Remember to always consult your veterinarian before making any changes that affect your Staffordshire Bull Terrier’s health. iHeartDogs is reader supported, so some of the links below may be paid affiliate links at no additional cost to you.

20 Best Hypoallergenic Shampoos for Staffordshire Bull Terriers with Itchy/Sensitive Skin

something with groats.. Also dogs can take antihistamines. I used to give my dog ​​benadryl for this..

Author: Dona B.

Love: 0

To be honest, I very rarely wash my staff. The strange time I look at her that’s once in a blue moon, because they don’t have to worry about hair, the strange time I shampooed her, I used groats, goat’s milk shampoos. Her coat is fantastic. I’m lucky that we live near the beach and salt water is his bath.

Author: Jacqui O.

Love: 5

I can’t advise a dog that likes mud, water, snow, rain, light showers, puddles, or anything else remotely based on H2O, but for a hydrophobic Nancy boy who didn’t need much cleaning, I never showered him once. more than 10 years! The vet how very sensitive a staff’s skin is and to avoid shampoo etc. I used to use hypoallergenic wet wipes for any mud, drool and general ick.

Author: Sarah B

Love: 1

Change their diet. Our dog had terrible itchy skin, but once we found out about the chicken allergy we had no problem. Remove grains and test for proteins they may also be sensitive to

Author: JayB.

Love: 1

Burts Bees Oatmeal. All 3 of mine have dry skin and it works great on them. I also use the moisturizing conditioner.

Author: Loving B.

Love: 0

Maleseb is the only thing that worked for my pooch. We established that she had hay fever so from April to September she was really itchy, 2 antihistamines a day and a shower every 10 days or so. Let the shampoo lather for about 10 minutes then rinse. Worked a treat

Author: Chris B

Love: 0

Our staff are allergic to all chicken proteins, including eggs. Fairly common. Our vet does not recommend getting rid of all grains. Find one that your dog can tolerate. Eliminating all grains has other long-term negative effects. Most dogs can tolerate a little vitamin E, olive oil, or coconut oil for dry skin, but watch out for loose stools (I give ours less than a teaspoon per day).

We use Burt’s Bees Shampoobut we don’t bathe ours often either, maybe twice a year.

Author: Cynthia Cottrell H.

Love: 1

In good health mane and tail or baby shampoo. Be sure to rinse well… Also add flaxseed or hemp oil to their diet.

Author: Richard D.

Love: 1

I receive that out of chewy this works great for my boyfriend

Author: Hailey W.

Love: 0

SOOS shampoo. I use it 1x a month in summer winter not much

Author: Kimberly A.

Love: 0

Polytar it’s for psoriasis and excema for humans but works great on staff had one not too long ago and had skin problem solved never ending don’t go to the vet it will cost a fortune is about 7 pounds on amazon in a gold Trust me you won’t be disappointed just do it twice a week so you don’t get all the oil out of her skin.

Author: Karl Guillaume R.

Love: 0

I just use a mild conditioner with lukewarm water, then rub it in with baby oil with aloe. While still in the shower, Will lost a bit afterwards. Common. But no problem afterwards. Yeah, and I don’t wash it much either. I also add fish oil to his food in the morning.

Author: Tracy T.

Love: 0

The best shampoo I have found for my daughter is Fidos Free Itch and the best part is that they smell like baby powder when they dry.

Author: Kat W

Love: 0

groats based shampoo. Recommended by a vet and I only bathe mine once every 5/6 weeks.

Author: Nathalie D.

Love: 1

mane and tail do i use

Author: Cherry J.

Love: 0

Hempz dog shampoo

Author: George B

Love: 0

Zymox the products are amazing and the only thing i have found to work on my staff.

Author: Carine J.

Love: 0

Jax and Daisy

Author: Mark H

Love: 1

MOOGOO products are awesome, I use goat’s milk on my staff daughter, and her hair is beautiful, I’ve had employees for decades and they’ve all had allergies

Author: Malka B.

Love: 0

I tried lots of medications, medicated shampoo from the vet etc, nothing helped once I put mine on grain free foods, her skin cleared up.

Author: Marion F

Love: 1

Important Note: The above suggestions come from our community of Staffordshire Bull Terrier owners. Always do your own research and consult your veterinarian before making any changes that affect your Staffordshire Bull Terrier’s health. iHeartDogs is reader supported, so where applicable, the links above may be affiliate links to retailers at no additional cost to you.

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