What you need to know about deworming your pet
We all want to help our pets live healthy and happy lives, so while it may not be the most fun topic, understanding how to prevent worms is essential.
Veterinary nurse Nina Downing at PDSA said: “Worms are parasites that live inside the body and can cause health problems for both animals and humans. Although it is rare for humans to get worms from their pets, they can be especially dangerous if they are transmitted to Children and pregnant women It is important to be aware of the different types of worms and what you can do to prevent infection in your pet.
The three most common types of worms
Although there are multiple types of worms, the most common types found in pets are tapeworm, roundworm, and lungworm.
Roundworms live in the small intestine, and puppies and kittens can pass them on from their parents. Mild roundworm infestations can cause flat stomachs, poor growth, and occasional diarrhea. Severe infections may cause nutrient deficiencies or even a life-threatening bowel obstruction. Tapeworms can be found in the small intestine and are generally transmitted to pets by fleas, but can also be passed on from hunting or eating raw meat. Tapeworm parts look like grains of rice and can be seen around the tail and the area around your pet’s bottom.
Lungworms are a deadly parasite carried by slugs and snails. Dogs can become infected by eating them, or even by eating grass contaminated with snail tracks, which may also be on your pet’s toys. Lungworms can make dogs seriously ill, and although they can make a full recovery with extensive treatment, prevention is always easier than cure. Although less common, cats can become infected with a different type of lungworm by eating infected birds, frogs, and rodents, or by drinking contaminated water. Cats tend to be less dangerous than dogs.
Detecting signs early
“The sooner you treat your pet for worms, the better, so be aware of the symptoms to look for. Diarrhea and a swollen stomach are among the most common signs of tapeworms and roundworms, and you may also notice small bits of worm in your pet’s stool.
“Lung worm can be more difficult to spot at first as symptoms may vary, but common signs include breathing problems, coughing, fatigue, loss of appetite, easy bruising, or even a general change in your pet’s behavior. If you notice any of these symptoms, You should contact your vet as soon as possible.
“You can’t prevent your pet from picking up worms completely, but you can prevent them from causing problems by regularly getting worms. Deworming treatments will kill any worms your pet has infested at the time, but they don’t have a long-term effect, so, to prevent reinfection, it’s recommended With regular worming treatment.How often your pet gets worms depends on its lifestyle and where it lives in. For example, puppies and kittens need to get wormed frequently because they are often born with worms and can become infected from their mother’s milk.
There are many preventive methods for treating worms, such as tablets or topical treatments. Some, like KRKA Worm Screen Combo for DogsDesigned to fight both roundworms and tapeworms at the same time, it can be very effective if used regularly. Always seek the opinion of your vet before using any type of wormer, as they will be able to advise on the best treatment for your pet based on their specific needs.”
PDSA is the UK’s largest veterinary charity providing a vital service to pets across the UK whose owners are struggling to afford treatment for their sick and injured pets. For many vulnerable pets, PDSA is there to help when their owners have nowhere else to turn. Support from People Postcode lottery players helps us reach more pet owners with tips and vital information. www.pdsa.org.uk
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