A cat has come out of its shell knowing that its cats are in good hands. It turned into a big fluffy hug.
Estee the cat and her babiesfeline best friends
A very shy cat was brought in feline best friendsCat rescue in Brisbane, Australia. She was severely pregnant and frightened and did not allow anyone to approach her.
With time and patience, a cat named Estee slowly warmed up to the idea of touch. “Once she did, she obviously liked pats because she was purring, kneading and dribbling as she pushed her head into my hand. However, she only allowed pats when she was up (her safe place),” Best Friends felines shared.
“We all held our breaths in the hope that she would feel more comfortable when the time came, to have her children at ground level.”
She was very shy and didn’t allow anyone to approach her at ground levelfeline best friends
Estee went into labor over the bathroom counter on Tuesday. She did not allow anyone to transfer her four cats to a comfortable nursery. Her caregiver stayed nearby to make sure they were safe, while working on a plan to take them to ground level.
They put a temporary nest next to the vanity, and eventually got the family of five into a more convenient area.
I gave birth to four healthy kittensfeline best friends
“She was very protective of her children. As soon as my hand got close to them, she would hiss and stomp at me,” Best Friends Villains wrote.
“For two days, he relaxed enough to let me hold the plate to her so she could eat, and while she was distracted, I gently touched the children. I slowly realized she trusted me enough that I wouldn’t hurt them.”
feline best friends
Over time, Mama Estee became more comfortable and was no longer afraid to raise her kittens at ground level, in the comfort of the nursery. She was also content to let her people handle her children.
“I can’t believe the change in Este over these two weeks. She’s gone from a cat that won’t let you touch her to one that asks for hugs and pats when she sees you.”
feline best friends
“Every day, she was more confident and allowed me to hold her longer each time.”
Besides raising her litter of four, Este accepted an orphan child and took care of him as her own. “She was a very dedicated mother, and her confidence was growing day by day.”
feline best friends
By the time the kittens were old enough for adoption, Estee allowed them to spread their wings, and they were gone forever indoors. Este was subsequently transferred to another volunteer, Christina, to continue the socialization.
“I was told she was very scared and needed time and patience. She spent the first few days hiding in the corner and barely eating anything or using the toilet,” Christina said with Love Meow.
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Christina took an opportunity to help the cat on her lap to calm her nerves. “She started kneading and purring. We continued to bond slowly over the next few weeks. Every day, I was seeing some improvement.”
After two surgeries to remove all of her teeth due to advanced dental disease, Estee felt like a new cat and came out of her shell even more. She was grateful for having warm cycles to sit on and for human mothers to maintain her constant companionship.
She came out of her shell and started cuddlingTweet embed
Christina added, “I became attached to her a lot while taking care of her while she was recovering. I thought she was the most perfect cat.”
A few months after Estee moved in with her adoptive mother, she was officially a permanent part of the family.
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“She is very affectionate, and loves to cuddle and be with me at all times. She continues to thrive, has taken many spots and has become the queen of the house.”
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Estee has grown a wonderful fluffy coat and discovered the fun of zooming. She has been helping her now forever mom with the kitties coming through the door.
She has blossomed into a adorable fluffy catTweet embed
With a lot of love and patience, Estee, a formerly shy cat, has achieved a full 180 and transformed into a tender, affectionate hug bug.
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Share this story with your friends. Follow Estee and her adventures on Instagram estee_catstar. Follow Feline best friends on Facebook And the Instagram bestfriendsfelines.
RELATED STORY: A cat is waiting at the door with her two kittens as they are ready to leave the streets
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