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“apw_handle”: “gutsense-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”263799357″ data-pw-url=”/products/gutsense” data-off-screen-loader=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/article-sc-bg.jpg” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap “u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/products/PgJ7Ewc0_large.png?v=1660746641″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content “u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eGutSense® u003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eProbiotic for Dogs – Made with Organic Ingredientsu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n nn n nu003cdiv class=”single-product-rating”u003enu003cdiv class=”clickable-review-rating modal-review-loader” data-tag=”gutsense” data-title=”GutSense® ” data-image=”//cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/products/PgJ7Ewc0_large.png?v=1660746641″u003en u003cdiv class=”crr-stars”u003eu003c/divu003en u003cstrongu003eu003c/strongu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003e n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eMost canine probiotics are made of human probiotic bacteria strains. GutSense is different. We have meticulously cherry-picked each probiotic strain to reflect the natural microflora of dogs. This product also contains prebiotics for best intestinal health. Made in USA.u003ca href=”/products/gutsense” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-2″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/product-tag-icon-Dobias.png” data-off-screen-loader=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/product-tag-icon-Dobias.png” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg “u003en n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/Made-in-USA.png?v=2″ data-off-screen-loader=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/Made-in-USA.png?v=2″ data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en u003cspanu003eMade in USAu003c/spanu003en u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/product-tag-icon-Natural.png” data-off-screen-loader=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/product-tag-icon-Natural.png” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/products/gutsense” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it for your dogu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
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“apw_handle”: “mobility-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”” data-pw-url=”” data-off-screen-loader=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/article-sc-bg.jpg” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap appwdropshadow “u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/tall-ad_large.jpg?v=1613684787″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content apwc-not-product”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eMobility u0026 Arthritisu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eCourse for holistic treatmentu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eNatural approach to treatment and prevention of arthritis in dogs. Learn how to approach your dog’s arthritis and mobility issues without side-effect causing drugs with Dr. Megan Kelly, DVM and Dr. Peter Dobias, DVM.u003ca href=”/pages/course-mobility” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn n n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/pages/course-mobility” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it for your dogu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
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“apw_handle”: “soulfood-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”196227409″ data-pw-url=”/products/soulfood-multivitamin-for-dogs” data-off-screen-loader=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/article-sc-bg.jpg” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap “u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/products/uthdKS3k_large.png?v=1660653077″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content “u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eSoulFood® u003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eCertified organic multivitaminu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n nn n nu003cdiv class=”single-product-rating”u003enu003cdiv class=”clickable-review-rating 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“apw_handle”: “skinspray-ad”,
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“apw_handle”: “leash-ad”,
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“apw_handle”: “fleahex-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”1273892293″ data-pw-url=”/products/fleahex-wash” data-off-screen-loader=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/article-sc-bg.jpg” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap aadt-pad”u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/FleaHex_and_TickHex_Product_image_large.jpg?v=1639726165″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content apwc-not-product”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eGentleu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eAll natural flea controlu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eOur new generation, plant-based flea control for dogs includes FleaHex Wash, FleaHex Household Spray and TickHex (tick and flea body spray). We guarantee that you will get rid of fleas and ticks and keep them from coming back!u003ca href=”/products/gentle-leash” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-13″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/product-tag-icon-GMO-Free.png” data-off-screen-loader=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/product-tag-icon-GMO-Free.png” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eGMO Freeu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/product-tag-icon-Dobias.png” data-off-screen-loader=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/product-tag-icon-Dobias.png” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/product-tag-icon-Natural.png” data-off-screen-loader=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/product-tag-icon-Natural.png” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/product-tag-icon-Certified-Organic.png” data-off-screen-loader=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/product-tag-icon-Certified-Organic.png” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eCertified Organicu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/products/gentle-leash” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it for your dogu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
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“apw_handle”: “tickhex-ad”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”9158487568″ data-pw-url=”/products/tickhex” data-off-screen-loader=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/article-sc-bg.jpg” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap “u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/products/THBOTTLE_NEW_large.png?v=1671806383″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content “u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eTickHexu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eAll natural tick controlu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n nn n nu003cdiv class=”single-product-rating”u003enu003cdiv class=”clickable-review-rating modal-review-loader” data-tag=”tickhex” data-title=”TickHex® ” data-image=”//cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/products/THBOTTLE_NEW_large.png?v=1671806383″u003en u003cdiv class=”crr-stars”u003eu003c/divu003en u003cstrongu003eu003c/strongu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003e n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eTickHex® was born out of a desire to create a natural, non-toxic, plant-based product to keep your dog tick and flea free without toxic chemicals and drugs. Guaranteed efficacy.u003ca href=”/products/tickhex” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-14″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/product-tag-icon-Dobias.png” data-off-screen-loader=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/product-tag-icon-Dobias.png” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/product-tag-icon-GMO-Free.png” data-off-screen-loader=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/product-tag-icon-GMO-Free.png” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eGMO Freeu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg “u003en n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/Made-in-USA.png?v=2″ data-off-screen-loader=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/Made-in-USA.png?v=2″ data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en u003cspanu003eMade in USAu003c/spanu003en u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/product-tag-icon-Natural.png” data-off-screen-loader=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/product-tag-icon-Natural.png” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/products/tickhex” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003eView Detailsu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003eor get it for your dogu003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
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“apw_handle”: “dog-tool”,
“apw_html”: “nnu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget” data-pw-id=”” data-pw-url=”” data-off-screen-loader=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/article-sc-bg.jpg” data-ofl-bg=”true”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-mw”u003enu003cdiv class=”appwimg-wrap aadt-pad”u003en u003cimg class=”article-product-pw-img” data-off-screen-loader=”//cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/hp-leaf_b7605858-eeaf-4c3a-b351-7bb2bf257155_large.png?v=1613699023″ u003en u003c/divu003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-inner”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-product-widget-content apwc-not-product”u003enu003cdiv class=”article-pw-title”u003en nu003ch2u003eHealthy Dog Toolu003c/h2u003enu003ch3u003eFor a longer, healthier life for your dogu003c/h3u003enu003c/divu003en nu003cdiv class=”article-pw-ratings”u003enu003cdiv class=”product-reviews-meta”u003ennnnn n n nnn nnnnn nnn nn nnnnnn n n nnn n nn nn n n nu003c/divu003ettttnu003cp class=”article-pw-description”u003eSimply enter your dog’s details and health concerns to receive automatic article recommendations, helpful tips, and learn how natural supplements can help your dog achieve optimal health.u003ca href=”/pages/healthydogtool” class=”no-underline”u003eLearn moreu003c/au003eu003c/pu003en nn n n n nn nn u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cat-wrap” id=”article-pw-cat-wrap-15″u003ettt n u003cul class=”single-product-cat-icos” u003ennnn n n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/product-tag-icon-Dobias.png” data-off-screen-loader=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/product-tag-icon-Dobias.png” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eDr. Dobias Originalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n u003cli class=”single-product-cat-ico product-single-tagg d-flex flex-wrap”u003en n n n n n u003cdiv class=”spcii”u003en u003cimg class=”col-cat-img” data-col-hov-src=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/product-tag-icon-Natural.png” data-off-screen-loader=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0316/8657/files/product-tag-icon-Natural.png” data-tooltip-targeter=”0″u003en n u003cspanu003eNaturalu003c/spanu003en n u003c/divu003en u003c/liu003en n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nu003c/ulu003enu003c/divu003en n nu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003en u003cdiv class=”article-pw-cta”u003enu003ca href=”/pages/healthydogtool” class=”no-underline” style=”background-color:#bfd500;”u003eu003ch4 style=”color:#ffffff;”u003ePlay Nowu003c/h4u003eu003cspan style=”color:#45300b;”u003esee what you learn!u003c/spanu003eu003c/au003enu003c/divu003enu003c/divu003enn u003c/divu003en ”
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“apw_handle”: “happy-holidays”,
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Healthspan Extension Tips for Dogs and People
Swimming is my lifeline. Wherever I go, I am bound to find a lake, a swimming beach or a swimming pool. About a month ago I arrived at the public pool at the wrong time as it was fully booked for a senior aqua fitness class.
Unable to use the pool, I jumped into the hot tub where I could watch the aquafit class from a distance. As I watched the beautiful, but rather motionless, seniors crawling through the water, I wondered if one day I should switch from crawl and butterfly to swimming in the water and using a walker .
I also thought of my first dog, Skai, who, despite being 16, ended up with an old, injury-prone body that lost its ability to repair and heal.
Sure, aging and dying are a natural part of life, but I don’t believe the last 10-20% of life should be marred by pain, depression, and immobility.
Is aging a process or a disease?
Most people see aging as an inevitable process because no one can escape the natural cycle of birth and death. Maybe in the future science will provide us with a way to stop the aging process. However, some experts have suggested that aging is a complex of diseases that can be delayed or even prevented with advances in science and good knowledge.
Ideally, life should be happy and healthy, happy and healthy, and then over.
Over the past 20 years, I have witnessed healthy food, essential supplements, aptitudeand spine health make a real difference in the lives of dogs and people. At the same time, I know more can be done to make the last 25% of our lives more mobile, as well as without pain or depression. I am convinced that most people have the ability to live a full and healthy life without the need for hip replacements, triple bypasses and chemotherapy. We just need to focus on the biology of the aging process rather than inventing new toxic drugs that help people survive but don’t make them thrive.
The definition of aging and when it starts
It is quite surprising to read that certain biological signs of aging begin to appear from the age of two in dogs and around 25-30 in humans.
There is a constant process of repair and renewal in the body which includes the transcription of DNA and RNA as old cells are replaced by new ones. This process is analog, which means it is similar to the audio or video tape of the past; the more copies made, the more errors and noise there will be.
These transcription errors can be represented by wrinkles, weaker muscles or tendons, and loss of organ function.
As the body ages, other changes lead to a decline in organ function and one of them is a decrease in the level of NAD (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide).
NAD is a source of energy necessary for the proper functioning of cells, muscles and organs. Humans, dogs, and other mammals lose 50% of NAD when they reach middle age.
As a substance, NAD is unstable and impossible to supplement directly, however, many eminent scientists, including Harvard professor Dr David Sinclairsuggest supplementing with NMN (Nicotinamide mononucleotide), which is then converted to NAD in the body.
The age to start taking NMN is around 40 years old in humans and 5-7 years old in dogs, depending on the breed’s average lifespan.
The effects of NMN supplementation
- Increased activity of sirtuin enzymes that slow down the aging process
- Improved mitochondrial function
- More efficient DNA and tissue repair
- Reduction of inflammation and prevention of cancer
Here is the NMN that I takeand Pax will get the same when he is around 5-7 years old.

What is mTOR and why you need to know it
The acronym mTOR stands for mechanistic target of rapamycinan enzyme that binds to proteins and creates mTOR1 and mTOR2 complexes.
mTOR plays a central role in the regulation of cell growth, cell survival, protein synthesis, autophagy (elimination, recycling and orderly breakdown of cellular components) and transcription (the process of DNA copying and RNA and protein production).
mTOR is a metabolic regulator in mammals, particularly in liver, muscle, adipose tissue and brain. It also appears that mTOR is poorly regulated in diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity, depression, cancer, and aging.
With respect to aging, inhibit mTOR function seems to prevent or reduce the occurrence of the aforementioned health problems in people and animals, including dogs. Researchers have also confirmed that rapamycin, an mTOR inhibitor, is able to increase health and lifespan.
At this point, I find that many vets are still rather reluctant to prescribe rapamycin to reduce certain signs of aging and attempt to extend the lifespan of older animals, but I believe such a practice will soon be commonplace. . If you have a pet 10 years or older, it may be worth talking to your veterinarian and getting a prescription for rapamycin (mTOR inhibitor).
There is another note I would like to add. In the past, rapamycin was labeled as an immunosuppressive drug used for organ transplant patients, but top experts now believe that rapamycin and mTOR inhibitors are not immunosuppressants, they are immunomodulators that calm and increase blood pressure. effectiveness of the immune system.
Can we be optimistic?
When it comes to finding new ways to treat age-related illnesses and extend the lifespan of people and animals, I’m cautiously optimistic.
Over the past 30 years, we have been able to make enormous advances in our understanding of health and disease, and the results are evident.
- The 90s were the decade of learning about healthier eating.
- In the 2000s, we learned about the health benefits of exercise, spinal alignerst, and conditioning.
- The 2010s have allowed us to better understand the importance of essential nutrients for dogs and humans.
- The 2020s seem to be the era of supporting and boosting cellular metabolism, immunity, and slowing down the aging process.
Practical steps to extend life
- feed a natural raw food.
- Avoid processed dog foods.
- Add essential supplements to correct the shortcomings.
- Detox your dog at least once every 6 months.
- Be sure that spine health and alignment.
- let your dog daily exerciseand give them the the freedom to play and interacting with other dogs and people to ensure good mental health.
- Consider complete with NMN at 5-7 years old.
- Ask your veterinarian about mTOR inhibitors, such as rapamycin, for animals showing signs of age-related disease (from about 10 years of age). Please note that this is a prescription drug that has been incorrectly classified as an immunosuppressant, but given once weekly it appears to modulate immune system function and increase T-cell activity.
- Ideally, eat a mostly plant-based diet with an emphasis on whole vegetables, whole grains, legumes, whole fruits (not juices), fermented foods, and a high fiber diet. Dr. Greger’s book How not to diet is, in my opinion, one of the most comprehensive scientific readings on the subject. There’s also an audiobook if you prefer that format.
- Beware of toxic foods such as fish and fish oilas well as rice grown in Asia.
- Avoid foods high in pesticides and eat organic whenever possible.
- Minimize alcohol, carbonated drinks, sugar, starches, fried foods and processed foods.
- A moderate amount of healthy exercise is best; too much or too little can be harmful.
- Yoga, stretching and strengthening should be in balance.
- Spend time with friends and family regularly.
- Set aside time for hobbies, vacations and holidays.
- Choose a job that you like and love.
- Add high quality essential supplementsideally fermented or whole foods, to your diet.
- Consider taking a NMN supplement if you are 35 or older.
- Read more about rapamycin and keep learning from reputable resources and professionals. Here are some of my favorites:
In the field of human aging:
Spirituality, mental and sexual health:
And that’s all for today. If you are not subscribed to my newsletter, you can join our community here. I usually send a short email once a week to give you an update on how to keep you and your dog healthy for many years to come.
I wish you health and happiness in 2022! ❤️
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