cat vaccinations It can feel like a great topic to wrap around. But it’s important for us – fur moms and fur dads – to be quick-aware when it comes to the health of our kitties, ensuring we’re doing everything we can Proactive in protecting their well-being. Especially when it comes to dealing with the side effects of the cat vaccine.
Cat vaccinations are one of the most important medical treatments we will all encounter during the lives of our fur friends.
However, when it comes to vaccinations, the majority of us rely on our vets’ guidance on which vaccinations our cats should receive and how often.
With all the medical jargon and high emotional stakes, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. Especially when faced with questions about feline leukemia or the side effects of the FVRCP vaccine (or other feline cancers).
And that is exactly why this article was written… to help Empowering the cat community to better understand cat vaccines and how to deal with any side effects, including cat injection site sarcomas (FISS) and whether your cat is sick after vaccinations.
The Ultimate Guide to Cat Vaccine Side Effects
Here is a summary of what you can expect from this article.
Key takeaways about cat vaccine side effects:
- Vaccines work by stimulating the cat’s immune system to recognize and combat microorganisms
- Most vaccines are given by injection
- Only 1-10 out of every 10,000 cats experience serious side effects from vaccines
- FISS is a cutaneous malignancy, with several studies indicating that FISS appears frequently at vaccination sites
- If you are concerned about a lump on your cat, refer to the 3-2-1 . rule
⚠️ Brittany, Paul and Team Fluffy Kitty are not vets. This article is based on facts, research, and personal experiences. We give you the best possible information but it is up to the reader to decide what action or inaction they might take. In no event shall Paul and Brittany (and Yoda) be liable for any loss or other damages including without limitation, special, incidental, consequential or any other damages.
Now that’s all cleared up, let’s dive in!
The The most common types of cat vaccines
Vaccines Clinically and scientifically proven To help prevent insidious diseases in delicate kitties, and to support their overall health and longevity. This is why it is so important to know which vaccines they are taking and why.
The most common cat vaccinations identified by the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) are:
- Leukemia in cats (or FeLV)
- Feline Viral Bronchitis (FVR)
- Calicivirus (C) – with FVR known as ‘Cat Flu’, and
- Panleukopenia (P) – also known as “feline tuberculosis”
- rabies
- Bordetella
Usually kittens get their vaccinations first when they are 6 to 8 weekswith a second booster set when you are 3 months. From here, booster injections are generally given a year later.
Adult cats usually have Booster doses every year or every 3 yearsdepending on the specific vaccine used or based on estimated lifestyle risks.
How do Cat . vaccines work?
Without falling into the trap of medical terms, cat vaccinations solve it Stimulating the immune system of cats to recognize and combat microorganisms – Such as infectious organisms, viruses or bacteria.
The desired outcome of the vaccine is basically protection from infectious diseases, as the body is primed to protect against future infections.
The most common types of vaccines are:
- live modified vaccines: contain organisms (weakened or genetically modified) that do not cause disease but reproduce in the cat’s body. These vaccines usually induce long-lasting immunity
- inactivated vaccines: Also known as “killed” vaccines, organisms are killed by various processes. Killed vaccines may also contain an adjuvant (an added ingredient) to help boost immunity
- subunit vaccines: Also known as “recombinant DNA” vaccines, where only certain parts of the infectious organism are included in the vaccine
The majority of vaccines are given by injection, the most common injection sites being the shoulder, lower back and hind limbs, however some vaccines can be intranasal (given by drops in the nose).
What are the common side effects of cat vaccination?
It’s quite understandable that you might be concerned about your cat vomiting after a vaccine, for example, or the side effects of the rabies vaccine in cats.
However, research indicates that Most cats will not show any side effects of a vaccine.
In fact, roughly 1-10 cats out of every 10,000 vaccinated He will suffer serious side effects… which when put into context, is a very small percentage.
(But it is also important to note that mild symptoms will not always be reported by cat owners, making them It is difficult to define definitively Not all cats will experience side effects.)
Possible side effects of the cat vaccine
- lethargy
- slight fever
- Lumps/lumps or swelling/redness around the injection site
- Anorexia
- sneezing (especially if through the nose)
- vomiting
- facial swelling
- Itchy
- Diarrhea
- goosebumps
Regarding the window in which these side effects can usually appear, it is It can happen either quickly or up to 48 hours after vaccination. These symptoms should generally last for a day or two.
Cat immunization side effects such as lethargy are more common. While the cat has diarrhea after vaccination, vomiting, facial swelling, itching, hives More severe side effectsIt is best to monitor these symptoms closely.
So if you’re wondering if “my cat vomits after a vaccination” is something to worry about… our advice is that if this symptom or anything If symptoms worsen or breathing difficulties develop, contact a local vet for advice.

It is also important to note that unusual reactions can also occur after 3 days.
Unusual side effects of the cat vaccine
- breathing difficulties
- Arthritis (i.e. lameness)
- Allergic reaction
In extreme cases…
Rare side effects of the cat vaccine
- Cancer formation (including FISS, the cancer that led to Yoda’s amputation)
- Collapse
- the death
Most sources indicate that these cases are in the minority and not very common.
As mentioned earlier, if you are at all concerned about your cat’s reaction to a vaccine, contact a trusted vet who will be able to provide more personalized advice on how to treat any side effects.
Tags to look for
- The cat still hasn’t returned to “normal” after two days
- Lumps that are growing larger or showing signs of inflammation, bleeding, or infection
- Lumps that are painful and/or have not gone away after a week
- Which symptoms become more severe?
In extreme circumstances, an emergency vet should be contacted.

If your cat experiences any symptoms after the vaccination, even if they are incredibly mild, it would be helpful to make a note in your cat medical passport. This way, you can mention it to your vet at your next visit for future awareness.
Feline injection site sarcoma – what is it?
As mentioned above, a possible side effect of cat injections is cat injection site sarcomas (FISS) with injection site sarcomas being the most common. fibrosarcoma.
FISS is Malignant skin tumors Of mesenchymal origin, with several studies indicating that FISS appears frequently at inoculation sites. This is because the injection leads to tissue inflammation, and this leads to neoplastic transformation.
It is also suggested that FISS is more common when adjuvant vaccines are used, especially Where are FeLV and Rabies Vaccines administered.
(Research suggests that other factors may be involved in FISS – such as pre-existing genetic and medical conditions. So it is again difficult to confirm definitively that FISS is caused only by specific injections or vaccines, although there is a clear association.)
The time between injection/vaccination and tumor progression was determined between From 3 months to 4 yearsbut can be delayed up to 10 years after vaccination.
treatment or treatment FISS generally includes surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. If cats are left untreated, they can sadly die from complications associated with the tumor.
If you or someone you know is going through a similar experience, please submit our guide to dealing with cat cancer.
If you are concerned about a lump on your cat, refer to 3-2-1 base May be helpful – this usually guides when you should continue to monitor the mass at home versus when a biopsy may be necessary.
3-2-1 rule
- If the mass persists for 3 months or more after injection
- If the lump is more than 2 cm in diameter
- If the mass continues to grow in size A month after the injection / vaccine Given

When our Fluffy Yoda was diagnosed with FISS, and we were thinking about different methods of treatment, we personally had to take into account several factors:
- Yoda’s quality of life if left untreated versus Yoda’s quality of life if he underwent surgery
- Costs associated with Yuda treatment
- Physical requirements to travel to multiple medical appointments in Yoda
This was an emotional time for us. but in the end, We made the decision to commit to surgery Where Yoda’s hind leg will be removed, This is followed by an intensive postoperative treatment.
We knew that yoda’s sarcoma would reduce his overall life, but we felt that treatment was the best option to ensure that our boy was happy and healthy for as long as possible.
If you would like to read more about our experience treating FISS at Yoda, and to learn more about feline cancer, you may want to check out these articles:
Should I vaccinate my cat?
Remember that any medical procedure carries a risk of negative side effects – for humans and cats alike! However, when it comes to the question of whether you should still vaccinate your cat… the resounding answer from the experts is “yes.”
Of course, the decision is ultimately yours, but we must always take steps to provide the best possible quality of care and life for our kittens.

Likewise, asking your veterinarian the following questions about a specific vaccine can provide peace of mind, while also helping to prevent FISS:
- Is vaccination necessary?
Consider the area you live in and your cat’s lifestyle, age, and breed. You may want to check out these Vaccination Instructions - Is the vaccine alive?
Avoiding vaccines that use adjuvants may be most helpful in preventing FISS - Is the vaccine administered in a standard area?
This will help your vet keep track of whether a type of vaccine is affecting a specific area of your cat’s body, while also preventing inflammation from multiple injections in one location. Lower limb and tail vaccinations may also be more beneficial, so if a tumor has developed and amputation is required – it will not affect the central body
In general, most specialists emphasize this The benefits of vaccination far outweigh the potential risks.
For example, rabies and FVRCP vaccinations are essential Basic VaccinesWhether your cat is indoors or out.
You should also read the local laws in your area, such as some cat vaccinations Required by law in some countries.
Final Thoughts About Cat Vaccine Side Effects
There you have it – an overview of potential cat vaccine side effects, including FISS and what to do if you are concerned about your kitty’s health after vaccination.
Has your cat experienced any of these side effects? We’d love to hear your story, so be sure to reach out to us.
Note: If you want to catch up on Yoda’s performance as a three-legged cat, take a look at Instagram over here.
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