These three cats were found in a tractor trailer by good people who changed their lives.
Murphy’s Law for Animal Rescue
It was nothing short of a miracle when three kittens were rescued from a tractor trailer at a tire recycling company. One of the workers was unloading the trailer and was shocked to discover little kittens huddled between the tires.
The worker jumped into action, put the cats in a box covered with their clothes, and rushed them for help. “They were lucky to have been found when they were. The trailer unloading happened that day, where they can sometimes sit for days or weeks,” Sarah KellyFounder Murphy’s Law for Animal RescueLove Meow said.
“Fortunately, they were found alive and could be quickly transferred to one of the foster volunteers who worked in the area.”
Murphy’s Law for Animal Rescue
All three were in poor condition and urgently needed critical care. The orange and white cat was unresponsive and struggling to survive. “When we saw them for the first time, we didn’t think we’d be able to save him.”
Against all odds, Sarah and her team wanted to do everything they could to help him. The kittens were a few days old but only the size of a newborn.
Murphy’s Law for Animal Rescue
Sarah shared with Love Meow: “We did all our magic, pulled out all the tricks and worked around the clock to get them back to health.”
The trio of Mish (black and white), Elle (calico) and Goody (orange and white) were given the best care in their cozy nursery. Goody had his own incubator, where he could rest uninterrupted and get oxygen and nebulizer therapy to help him recover.
Goody, who was in the worst condition, recovered after a few days of intensive careMurphy’s Law for Animal Rescue
Goody showed his incredible desire to live. After 48 hours of painstaking care, he woke up and started shaking his little legs with his newfound strength.
After a few days, he was able to move around and eat on his own. Then Sarah could breathe a sigh of relief knowing he would be fine.
Goody, Mish and EllieMurphy’s Law for Animal Rescue
“We worked harder than ever to get him off the brink and couldn’t believe our eyes the first time he was able to lift his head and drink it on his own. It was truly a miracle,” Sarah said.
“Mesh and Ellie were a lot stronger than Goody from the start, but they had to beat a lot too. We were so thankful that they all got through it.”
Ellie fell asleep on the gorgeMurphy’s Law for Animal Rescue
The trio was reunited when Goody was strong enough to take on the role of Polly with his siblings. “Mish and Ellie couldn’t be more sweet and sacrificial for their brother after he brought him back.”
The cats arrived at one milestone after another. They have gained a lot of healthy weight and their energy level has increased.
go ahead and walkMurphy’s Law for Animal Rescue
They became increasingly curious about their surroundings, and their desire to get out of their nurseries swelled.
Once they found their feet, the trio started walking around and were ready to explore.
Goody gained a lot of energy and started exploringMurphy’s Law for Animal Rescue
Once the cats were old enough to move into the upgraded cat suite, a spacious kindergarten, their personalities began to shine through.
They have perfected their run after some honing and polishing. Soon they started zooming in their room, chasing each other until they were all tired.
tripleMurphy’s Law for Animal Rescue
Sarah told Love Meow, “Their personalities are the best. They are incredibly sweet and honest. Ellie is the most adventurous, and Goody and Mish prefer snuggling more than anything.”
Mitch WileyMurphy’s Law for Animal Rescue
“They are all just adorable little bugs. They live for attention and love a comfy bed and naps where their stomachs are rubbed and their chins scratched.”
Mitch and Goody are incubating insectsMurphy’s Law for Animal Rescue
Mich and Judy both love to wrap their arms around each other and wreak themselves up to sleep, while Ellie is a social butterfly and loves to hang out and cuddle with everyone.
Murphy’s Law for Animal Rescue
“They are so spoiled, as they deserve, and we can’t wait for them to find their forever families.”
Murphy’s Law for Animal Rescue
Share this story with your friends. Follow Threesome and Sarah’s care on Facebook And the Instagram @kellyfosterkittens. Follow Murphy’s Law Animal Rescue is on Facebook And the Instagram murphyslawanimalrescue.
RELATED STORY: A kitten with a small body but a strong will to live turns into an adorable calico cat
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