Little kittens of different litters didn’t know they needed each other for a woman to seek adoption


Two kittens of different births didn’t know they needed each other until a woman sought to adopt them.

best friendsKitkat games room

Lauren said goodbye to her beloved cat, Leo, last May, and was left with a void she couldn’t fill. A month later, she started looking for adoption sites as she was longing for this bond again.

I came across a post of a little cat named Webster from Kitkat games room (in Philadelphia), and was totally smitten with the little orange. “Love at first sight is an understatement,” Lauren told Love Meow.

She knew right away that she wanted to adopt Webster, and kept watching the live feed of the rescue. Little did she know that another cat would soon appear in the photo and change the course of adoption.

fluffy kitten gingerWebster PussyKitkat games room

Webster was one of three orange cats born to a rescued stray kitten named Paige.

Jane Mack, founder of Kitkat Playroom, told Love Meow.

happy happy kittenKitkat games room

The long-haired, brightly colored boy has grown into an accomplished lap cat. He stared at his skin with his beautiful and passionate eyes whenever he wanted something. “His face may always be anxious, but he is a happy man.”

Webster was full of confidence and enjoyed frolicking and down with his siblings, but as soon as he spotted the people at the door, he came running and wanted all the attention for himself.

soft bosom kittenKitkat games room

While Lauren was watching Webster through the live broadcast, she noticed that a new family of cats had made their screen debut, and one of the cats caught her attention.

Pike, a gorgeous white blur, appeared on Lauren’s radar one day and made quite the first impression.

sweet white kittenPike the catKitkat games room

“The first thing I saw was him biting his tail, then whistling at himself for doing it. I thought that was the kind of crazy I wanted in my house,” Lauren said with Luv Meow.

Pike came to the rescue with his mother Mila and siblings. “This little guy is a fluffy bundle of zoom with a neat gray racing stripe on his forehead,” Jen added.

kitten fluffy marshmallowKitkat games room

“He’s totally full of weirdness. When he finally stops, he loves sleeping with his brother in a soft bed or on your lap.”

Lauren couldn’t stop thinking about life with a marshmallow cat. A week later, I submitted an application to adopt both cats. Then Webster was brought in to meet Pike and his family, which is just fine.

bonded catsThey became close friends instantlyKitkat games room

Among all the kitties in the room, he was immediately drawn to Pike. The two became instant best friends and lots of snuggling ensued.

They always ended up in a boat stretcher together, and Webster started to nurse Mama Mila along with Pike.

cat nursingWebster started nursing on Mama Mila along with PikeKitkat games room

“It was like the two of them knew. They slept together constantly and had a bond despite not being from the same trash,” Lauren told Love Meow.

Webster and Pike, now renamed Fox and Alfie, moved into their new home as an inseparable pair.

Cat's best friendsKitkat games room

“On their first night at home, they cuddle with us and slept for 12 hours straight. They slept through the night and were very satisfied.”

The two brothers from different mothers are now partners in mischief. They are always on the verge of something.

Cat's best friendsThey were adopted together and renamed as Fox and AlfieKitkat games room

They plan their next adventure together and one of them never goes out of sight. “These two are very connected. They sleep together half the time and play together any chance they get.”

adorable cat basketAlfie and FoxLauren

Lauren added, “I always have a purr in your face. He growls when he has his favorite toy, and that’s the funniest thing ever that comes from a kitten weighing half a kilogram.”

“The fox is gentle and temperate 50% of the time. And when it gets sleepy it becomes fluid and likes to be held like a baby. The other 50% of the time, it runs as fast as it can across the house and almost flies its ass on it as it does.”

Cat's best friendsLauren

Share this story with your friends. Follow Fox and Alfie on Instagram @earthfelines. Follow Kitkat game room on Facebook And the Instagram @kitkatplayroom.

RELATED STORY: Tabby Kitten Nestles with her buddies until help arrives, now living each day to the fullest


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