Finally, spring has arrived, so you have perfect weather for these May 2022 canine events and holidays. Don’t see your canine event on the list? Email us at dogstermag@belvoir.com and we’ll include your canine event.
Dog all month May 2022 Holidays
Pet Microchip Month – May is National Pet Microchip Month, reminding you to microchip your pet and keep their information up to date with the microchip society. Find a list of microchipping and pet recovery services here.
Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month – May is National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month, reminding you to see your veterinarian when your dog shows symptoms of seasonal allergies or asthma, which both can cause health problems.
National Pet Month — May is National Pet Month, a time to celebrate your dog and all that dogs and other pets do for us.
May 2022 Holidays for dogs
May 1, 2022: Mayday for Mutts
May 1, 2022: Purebred Dog Day
May 3, 2022: Specially Disabled Pet Day
May 10, 2022: German Shepherd Day
May 14, 2022: Animal Disaster Preparedness Day
May 14, 2022: International Chihuahua Appreciation Day
May 30, 2022: Memorial Day
See a full list of monthly and daily dog holidays for 2022 here.
May 1, 2022 — June 30, 2022: 2022 Bark for Your Park Grant Competition
The 2022 Bark for Your Park™ grant competition opens May 1, sponsored by PetSafe (creator of pet products, from leashes and home training to pet travel and mobility), which will award prizes totaling $125,000 to nine deserving communities. The submission period runs from May 1 to June 30, 2022. Entries will then be reviewed by a jury and 30 communities will be selected to participate in the public competition voting period later this year. After the contest voting period, the four communities with the most votes for a new park will receive $25,000 each, and the five communities with the most votes for improving an existing local park will receive $5,000 each. . Here is the full schedule for the grant competition:
· Submission period: May 1 – June 30, 2022
· Announcement of finalists: August 1, 2022
· Voting period: August 1 to 31, 2022
· Announcement of contest winners: September 2, 2022
For more information and to submit, go to barkforyourpark.com.
May 1, 2022: The Perondi Stunt Dog Experience

Trainer Chris Perondi and his group of rescue dogs take center stage at the Newberry Opera House in Newberry, SC; newberryoperahouse.com
May 12-13, 2022: Chicago Vet Show
An educational and networking conference on veterinary companion animals for veterinary professionals held in Chicago, IL; us.vetshow.com/chicago
May 14, 2022: Winnebago Pet Expo
Families and dog lovers will love this fun day of pets taking place at the Sunnyview Expo Center in Oshkosh, WI. Tickets, directions and more information at winnebagopetexpo.org
May 22, 2022: Pages for Paws Campaign Celebration and Pet Adoption Event
The Pages for Paws campaign is a free event taking place on Long Island on Sunday, May 22n/a as a closing celebratory event of Hindi Libraries Pages for Paws campaign. New York-based nonprofit Hindi Libraries donates new and gently used children’s books around the world (See Today Show video here.) launched its Pages for Paws campaign in collaboration with Children adopt shelter , a local nonprofit that supports animals in Long Island shelters and rescues. Until the end of April, for every children’s book Hindi’s Libraries receives that is about a pet or animal, Redbarn Pet Products will match the book with a donation to KAS of a day’s supply of nutritional products for a sheltered or rescued animal. To date, Hindi’s Libraries and Kids Adopt a Shelter has collected 890 children’s books (equivalent to 890 days of pet nutrition) in hopes of doubling that number with the support of local Girl Scout troops and leading book publishers. To celebrate the success of the event and bring the Long Island community together, Hindi’s Libraries & KAS are hosting a pet adoption event at Pet Supplies Plus in Oceanside, NY (3644 Long Beach Rd) on Sunday, May 22.n/a from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cats and dogs will be available for adoption at the event as well as children’s authors signing their animal or pet-themed books. Redbarn Pet Products will be providing goodies for all attendees! Hindi Libraries will also be accepting children’s book donations at the event and guests are also welcome to drop off their new or lightly used children’s books. More information here or email info@hindislibraries.org.
May 23, 2022: Take CHARGE (Dog Health and Registry Talk)
From 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. ET, dog lovers are invited to congregate at Madison Square Park (entrance at 23rd Street and Broadway) to celebrate the launch of a one-of-a-kind canine cancer initiative. genre called Take CHARGE (Canine Health and ReGistry Exchange), learn more about canine cancer and see a new Gallup poll from pet owners’ perspective on the topic by Dr. Susan Ettinger, DVM, DACVIM (Oncology) and Lisa Conte, Founder and CEO of Jaguar Health. Several Broadway stars/dog owners will perform (including Chazz Palminteri, Gianna Palminteri, Richard H. Blake, Shoshana Bean, Jenn Colella, Bobby Conte, Orfeh, Andy Karl and Manu Narayan). Lisa Conte, Gloria “Glo” Janata and Chelsea Rhodes, three dog mothers and accomplished businesswomen who have combined business and passion to create Take charge – a first-ever American Canine Cancer Registry and Cancer Care Index, born out of concern to treat and manage cancer in our four-legged best friends. The event is co-sponsored by Jaguar Animal Health, TogoRunand Ivee. Attend the event in person or on social media. Follow Take CHARGE social accounts, like and re-share any of his posts and $5 for every social pledge (up to $5,000) will be donated to Broadway Barks in honor of the first annual #National Canine Cancer Awareness Day coming May 23. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, approximately 1 in 4 dogs will develop a tumor at some point in their life, and nearly 50% of dogs over the age of 10 will develop cancer. After here.
May 28-29, 2022; Goodwoof, a great celebration of all things dog-related
It’s a brand new canine event dedicated to canine companions and their families. Event held at the Goodwood Estate in Chichester, West Sussex, England. watch trailer here.
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