A Guide to Deciding What’s Best for You and Your Cat Written by Chris Hill of the Companion Animal Studies Association (SCAS)
This blog is not intended to directly engage in the debate about whether pet cats should be kept indoors or allowed to roam, a topic that can become hot and polarizing. Instead, the goal is to help the reader navigate what might be a difficult decision and encourage empathy and tolerance among fellow cat lovers.
The Companion Animal Studies Association SCAS was founded in 1979 to promote the study of human-animal interactions and to raise awareness of the importance of pets in society. Many of you reading this will appreciate the special nature of the human-cat bond!
Those of us who love cats naturally want what’s best for them. And not just our cats, but all cats everywhere. However, not all cats are the same and what is best for one cat may not be ideal for other cats. Despite this, there are strong opinions about whether pet cats should be allowed to roam freely and insensitive, and oftentimes harsh comments are a prominent feature of the datasets I am examining for my PhD research (i.e. online user feedback that responds to sources Discuss free-roaming cats and theinternal and external discussion‘).
Should you keep your cat indoors or allow it to roam?
The decision to allow your cat to roam freely or to attempt to restrain it should not be taken lightly. Whichever you decide is best for you, your cat, and the local wildlife, measures can be taken for either Enriching the lives of domestic cats or to guarantee The dangers of roaming cats (and wildlife) are minimized. It is found in some parts of Australia Regulations in place to protect endangered wildlife from the predation of pet cats. However, in the UK, cats are not thought to pose a threat to wildlife population levels, Perhaps because the original European prey evolved alongside feral predators. Studies have shown that feeding cats a Meat-based diet and play with them more reduces their tendency to hunt wildlife, and colored collars Some success too.
There are pros and cons to keeping your cat indoors or out, but these largely depend on the location and the individual cat.
Cats that have an external outlet benefit from more opportunities to display natural behaviors such as climbing, exploring, communication with other cats in the area, and hunting. However, hazards include crowded roads, the risk of getting stuck somewhere, and dominant neighboring cats that may annoy shy cats. Especially for cats who have a disability or a medical problem, living indoors may be the best option and a place where they feel most comfortable.
Keeping your cat indoors will help keep them safe, but some indoor environments can get boring and unpredictable (See here for tips to get around this), which leads to stress, lethargy and obesity. While some adapt well to being a house cat, it can be difficult for cats to handle living indoors if they have a lot of energy, love to explore and were previously allowed outdoor time.
Modern lifestyles and modern cats!
Cats have been living alongside humans for several thousand years, and domestic cats have become known as a popular pet that roams neighborhoods around the world. However, times are changing, and the relatively recent phenomenon of the “indoor cat only” is becoming increasingly popular.
Fortunately, cats, as a species, can adapt to a range of lifestyles. While many cats obviously enjoy and stimulate roaming, they You don’t have to be miserable Live safely indoors if provided with adequate space and stimulation. This can also include indoor outdoor spaces and even supervised outdoor time! Leash walking can be an ideal solution for some cats and their cats, but Please be aware walks on Leash and outdoor adventure Not for every cat.
Most kittens can be socialized to an indoor arrangement but require constant enrichment and stimulation as they grow into kittens (check out our previous blog on the importance of giving your cat a good start in life). If you want your cat to be safe or live in an apartment in the city, you may consider adopting an adult cat who is well adapted to this lifestyle and/or cannot go outside due to health conditions (such as old age, disability, or feline HIV). Many UK resettlement organizations require potential adopters to demonstrate that they have a garden and/or safe surroundings where a cat can roam. However, there are exceptions and opportunities to provide a loving cat home based on your living arrangements. General advice can be found on helping your family cats adapt to changes in circumstances over hereYour veterinarian should be able to advise on specific cases.
Harmful discussions
For my PhD research, I analyzed aspects of the so-called “internal and external debate It examined concerns about cat care and well-being, neighbors’ disputes about disturbing behaviors (eg defecation), and wildlife predation (particularly regarding birds). The goal of my research is to understand how we can think more logically about cats and decipher arguments about conservation than those of cat welfare and neighborhood disputes.
Aside from concerns about wildlife predation, there is much debate among those who care deeply about cats about what is believed to be best for cats. However, attacking a person is unlikely to change his mind, and strong opinions and feelings can lead to unnecessary conflict and distress. Whatever your stance on internal and external controversy, from a cat care/welfare perspective, you can recognize shared love for cats as a common point. If you feel the need to engage with those with opposing opinions, here are three points to stop and think:
- Be kind to others who also care about cats!
Consider the purpose it serves to tell a friend or stranger that he is a “terrible person” or a “terrible cat parent” to not let his cat roam. And please think before sending the message to someone grieving their cat that they are “serving them right” to let them roam (unfortunately, such sensitivity is not uncommon in my datasets).
- Strive to be constructive and not judged
If you honestly believe your cat is inadvertently neglecting or endangering your cat, consider formulating “advice” constructively. Instead of using accusatory terms like “prison” when you’re concerned that your neighbor’s cat may be depressed or neurotic, try suggesting resources about inner enrichment. Likewise, unless your neighbor’s cat appears physically neglected, refrain from lecturing them about the various dangers of roaming – they probably already know the risks and have made an informed decision on their cat’s behalf.
- Remember that cats are individuals and there are always exceptions to any rule!
While you might strongly believe that cats in general are better off enjoying their freedom or that responsible cat guardians keep their pets safely indoors (or with supervised time outdoors), please try, learn and respect there are exceptions to every rule. Furthermore, “not perfect” is not necessarily “miserable” and many cats lead happy, well-groomed lives without access to the great outdoors. Despite their best efforts, some people accept that they simply cannot prevent their cat from escaping or compete to be allowed out.
Thank you!
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SCAS was founded in 1979 to promote the study of human-animal interactions and to raise awareness of the importance of pets in society.
Over the past 40 years, SCAS has established itself as the British body in human-animal bond studies, funding research, providing education, raising awareness, promoting best practices, and influencing the development of policies and practices that support human-animal bonds. .
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