Vets warn of 5 deadly risks for pets at Christmas


Animal experts share tips before surgeries during the busiest time of the year

Vets across the UK are warning pet owners of the potential dangers at Christmas, when they face most emergency visits due to poisoning.

From poisonous plants and toxic foods to pet accidents, there are many dangers to pets during the holiday season.

With 62% of Britons owning a pet, the threat across the country is significant. To help pet owners avoid disaster, TrustedHousesitters He worked with veterinarians and animal experts to uncover the biggest dangers pets can face at Christmas, as well as what people can do to avoid them:

1. Christmas Tree – Protect it with chips and citrus peel

A major Christmas hazard is the tree – dogs, cats and other small animals can be tempted to climb the tree or jump to play with the hanging decorations.

Veterinarian Dr. Cheryl Bonk, DVMhe advises: “Putting tin foil or citrus peels around the trunk and base of the Christmas tree can keep cats away, or you might consider putting an old fence around it to keep pets away from the gifts as well.”

2. Mistletoe is not always kissable

Some seasonal plants can be very dangerous, so always keep an eye on pets around them or avoid them altogether.

Dr. Megan Conrad, BVMS, is a licensed veterinariancomments, “Many holiday plants can cause health problems for your pet, ranging from digestive upset to heart problems and kidney failure. Definitely avoid mistletoe and hollyhocks, along with lilies, pine branches, and wreaths. Pine needles on a Christmas tree can be Live births are also harmful if ingested.

3. Zerg can be fatal

Although they may look pretty, pets can be deadly if you have pets. You know, MonicaSragovashe advises:

“I strongly advise against tinsel, especially if you have a cat because it can be deadly. Tinsel, ribbons, threads… anything that is ‘stringy’ can lead to a condition we call a linear foreign body. This happens when one end of the thread gets wrapped around the base of the tongue Or it anchors itself in the stomach, and the rest travels into the intestines. Because it is wedged at one end, it cannot be bypassed and will cause severe damage to your pet’s intestines. A linear foreign body is a life-threatening condition that needs immediate surgical intervention.”

4. Replace real Christmas wreaths with faux ones

Poinsettias are a common plant used in Christmas wreaths but are not recommended if you have a pet. Casey Turner, animal behaviorist, He explains:

“Poinsettia is harmful to dogs and cats, so it’s best to keep it out of reach. If your pet consumes poinsettia, you may notice symptoms such as drooling, vomiting, or diarrhea. Also, if the plant’s milky sap comes into contact with your pet’s skin or eyes, it can cause skin irritation.” including redness, swelling, and itching.

If you think your pet has consumed something toxic, speak to a vet as soon as possible.

5. Watch out for leftovers from Christmas dinner

Animals love food, and at Christmas food is in abundance! However, this is a risk when it comes to pets eating something toxic. Dr.. Helena Adel Marin is a veterinarianHe says:

“Christmas is the time of year when we get the most poisonings. The main culprit is chocolate, which is extremely toxic to dogs. Seafood and sauces with onions and garlic should also be avoided, not to mention allowing them to taste the champagne… Avoid giving pets any food from the table and keep the box tightly closed because he’ll end up smelling the leftovers.”

Although dogs are known for their love of bones, poultry bones are also considered a no-no. Veterinary Surgeon, Dr. Linda Simon, He explains, “While it may be tempting to toss a turkey carcass to our dog, bones should not be given. They can cause tooth fractures, intestinal blockages, or severe constipation. Instead, stick to some lean meat.”

Angela Luz, award-winning community manager at TrustedHousesitterswho is also a babysitter with 14 years of experience, comments:

“Christmas is a time for the whole family to get together and celebrate, but if you have pets, you need to pay close attention to making sure they are happy, healthy and safe. Always keep a close eye on your pets and keep an eye on everything they eat around Christmas, as they can be leftovers. Serious food if you have it worried pet Or struggle with the hustle and bustle of the season, make sure they maintain their regular routines, exercise regularly, and have a safe space in the house where they can retreat if the festivities get to be too much.”

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