September 2022 Pawlidays
Throughout the month:
Animal Pain Awareness Month
Happy cat month
Disaster Preparedness Month
International Month of Animal Remembrance
whole week
19-25: Adopt Week of Least Adoptable Pets

The whole day:
1: Ginger Cat Appreciation Day
13: Pets Birth Defects Awareness Day
19: Meow like a pirate’s day
22: Remember me Thursday
28: World Rabies Day
29: Maneki-Neko Day
3-4: TICA Allbreed Cat Show (Illinois)
Chicago: Feline Infurno cat show is tika41Street Annual TICA Awards and Cat Show, hosted by Showcats Columbus. Held at the Chicago Hilton in Chicago, Illinois. Learn more through ticaannual.com.

10: TNR Accreditation Workshop
Cat community podcastin partnership with live cats She will host the monthly Trap-Neuter-Return Certification Workshop, which helps people learn how to help lost, abandoned or homeless cats and cats. The workshop covers best practices for TNR and colony management, including planning and preparing for successful phishing. There will also be time for questions from the attendees, which will be answered in real time by experts from Neighborhood Cats. The workshop takes place at 2pm EST, registration costs $10, which includes access to the recorded session, handouts, and testimony. Learn more about the workshop over here.
10-11: CFA Allbreed Cat Show (Maryland)
Freestate Feline Fanciers offers 31Street Show allbreed cat anniversary. Watch over 200 cats in this CFAsponsored show. It takes place at Cedars Hill in Lebanon in Parkville, Maryland. learn more over here.
10-11: CFA Allbreed Cat Show (Illinois)
American Gothic Cat Club presents this CFA– A curated Alpol show featuring more than 200 cats. It takes place at Exposition Gardens in Peoria, Illinois. Get more information over here.
10-11: TICA Allbreed cat show (South Carolina)
Katychak cats Serves 28The tenth Anniversary of the allbreed cat show, sponsored by tikaFeaturing more than 200 cats. It takes place at the North Augusta Activities Center in North Augusta, South Carolina. learn more over here.
10-11: TICA Allbreed (Kansas) cat show
Kansas Katz Club Presents the annual Purrnado Show, sponsored by tika It features more than 200 cats. It takes place at the Cessna Activity Center in Wichita, Kansas. learn more over here.

17: CFA Allbreed Cat Show (California)
The Santa Monica Cat Club and Hemet Feline Fanciers invite you to a late summer picnic cat show, which includes more than 200 cats. sponsored by CFAThe show takes place at Oaks Middle School in Ontario, California.
17: CFA Allbreed Cat Show (Michigan)
Thumbs Up Cat Fanciers presents this one-day allbreed cat show featuring over 200 sponsored and sponsored cats CFA. It is held at Monroe County Community College in Monroe, Michigan. learn more over here.
17-18: CFA Allbreed Cat Show (Pennsylvania)
sponsored by CFA Cats Incredible Inc. will provide This allbreed featured over 200 cats. It is held at the Haverford Community Center in Haverford, Pennsylvania. learn more over here.
17-18: CFA Allbreed Cat Show (Florida)
The New Vision Cat Club presents a Florida Fall Festival sponsored by CFA It features more than 200 cats. It takes place at the TECO Expo Hall @ Strawberry Festival Fairgrounds in Plant City, Florida. learn more over here.
24: CFA Allbreed Cat Show (Washington)
The Seattle Cat Club and Grandview Cat Fanciers present their Forever Autumn show sponsored by CFA. It is held at the Cowlitz Regional Convention Center in Longview, Washington. learn more over here.
24-25: CFA Allbreed Cat Show (Minnesota)
Twin City Cat Breeder Serve 89The tenth Domestic Cat Championships and Shows, sponsored by CFA It features more than 150 cats. It takes place at the Crystal Community Center in Crystal, Minnesota. learn more over here.
24-25: Northeastern Regional Cat Show (Massachusetts)
catsachusetts cat club Presenting his regional show in conjunction with Family pet showsBoston’s first pet show. Held at Shriner’s Auditorium in Wilmington, Massachusetts. Learn More over here.
24-25: Boston Pet Show
Family pet shows Presents Boston’s premiere pet show, featuring fun for all ages – including TICA’s regional cat show. It is held at Shriner Hall in Wilmington, Massachusetts. learn more over here.
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