What’s so cool about litter boxes


Today’s litter boxes are more than a simple plastic box. Minnesota mom of four, Maya Nishikawa hates litter box cleaning, so she’s willing to try any of the latest innovations. Last year she bought a robotic robot that cleans feces and urination 10 minutes after the cat leaves the device, and this year she got a new Japanese innovation called the toilet (Not yet available in the US). This litter box keeps track of urination habits, and captures video every time your kitty enters the litter box and does his work.

“I love to try new designs and innovations, but in the end, it is my cat who makes the final decision if I keep using them or not,” Maya says.

This pet-loving teacher is not like most cat owners. According to the most recent American Pet Products Association (APPA) survey of pet owners, 78% of cat owners in the United States use a simple, standard plastic crate. This is not a surprise, as it is quite affordable for a few dollars a piece. Even some vets and cat behaviorists also advocate the simple bare box, saying that its simplicity works best with cautious and sensitive cats.