Why do dogs drag their butts on the ground?

Does your dog drag his butt on the floor? You are not alone, it is a fairly common behavior. It’s called the scooter, and chances are that if you have a dog, you’ve seen it at least once or twice. And who among us doesn’t like it when our dog crosses the floor when we have company?

This article reviews the most common causes of scooting, how to identify the underlying problem, and some steps you can take to prevent it.

Why do dogs drag their butts on the ground?

Have you noticed your dog dragging his butt on the ground or on the grass? It’s called scooting, and it’s a common behavior in dogs that can have a variety of causes. Dogs drag their bottoms on the floor from irritation, and the cause of this irritation ranges from inflammation to infection. The most common reasons for irritated anus in dogs include:

  • Anal gland problems
  • Tapeworms
  • Excess feces
  • allergies

And while watching your dog drag his butt across your mat isn’t desirable, it’s important not to punish him β€” he does it because he’s uncomfortable. Figuring out what’s causing the irritation can be tricky, but once you do, you’ll be able to lessen its discomfort and keep it from getting out of hand.

Why do dogs drag their butts on the ground?

Anal gland problems can cause irritation and scotch

Anal glands (also called anal sacs) fill up most common reason for dogs that drag their butts on the floor. It’s not the most pleasant problem to tackle, but anal gland problems are pretty common and affect many pets.

The anal glands are a pair of sacs located on either side of your dog’s anus. The sacs are lined with sebaceous and sweat glands, and the liquid they secrete is quite pungent. One of the first symptoms dogs show when an anal sac is affected is dragging their bottoms on the floor.

Some dogs are prone to having affected anal glands, often due to thicker liquid unable to pass out. This can lead to the sac becoming infected and causing a lot of pain and irritation, and if left unattended may require surgery to fix it.

If you suspect your dog has an anal gland problem, consult your veterinarian. Technically, you can empty your dog’s anal glands yourself, but if you’ve never done it before, ask your vet to teach you how to perform the procedure. They can also check for other underlying issues.

Tapeworms can cause dogs to drag their butts across the floor

Tapeworms are another common reason dogs drag their butts on the floor. Tapeworms are acquired by ingesting an infected host, and when it comes to dogs, it’s usually a flea.

One of the symptoms of tapeworms is dragging their buttocks on the floor due to the irritation than tapeworm segments cause to area. The worms mature in your dog’s intestines and the tapeworm segments can cause irritation when they exit through your dog’s anus. The segments are small, but upon careful examination, you may be able to spot them around your dog’s hindquarters (they look like tiny little white or golden pieces of rice).

Tapeworm segments are transmitted only intermittently and are therefore often not diagnosed during a routine fecal examination. If you find segments, white or golden in color, take them to your veterinarian for a definitive diagnosis. – VCA Veterinary Hospitals

If you suspect your dog has tapeworms, consult your veterinarian. After making a proper diagnosis, they can prescribe deworming treatment.

Too much feces can cause your dog to drag their behind on the floor

Excess fecal matter that gets stuck around your dog’s hindquarters is another reason dogs drag their butts on the floor. Designated as Canine pseudocoprostasis (or dingleberries), feces that stick to or hang from the fur surrounding your dog’s anus can cause your dog to shake his butt on the floor in order to shake it.

In dogs with long hair, it can become a chronic disease, and prevention is the best way to handle it. If the hair around your dog’s bottom is clipped, it’s much less likely that it will get stuck in the hair. When left untreated, the mat can make it more difficult for your dog to poop and complete blockage of the anus can occur.

Allergies can cause irritation that leads to scotch

Skin irritation from allergies can cause your dog to drag his bottom on the floor. Allergic reactions to food, fleas, or other environmental substances can cause a lot of irritation, including to your dog’s rear. Some of the most common dog allergies to understand:

  • Food
  • Lice or fleas
  • Cigarette smoke
  • pollen
  • mold spores
  • Medications

Some allergies can be easy to identify, such as a change in diet or flea infestation, but others, such as environmental substances like dust or pollen, can be harder to identify. If you think your dog may have allergies but aren’t sure what’s causing them, consult your veterinarian to help determine what’s causing your dog’s allergies.

How to Downsize Your Dog’s Scooter

Although the scooter itself is not a medical emergency, it is behavior worth investigating. The dog moves when his hindquarters are irritated, so unless you address the cause of that irritation, your dog will continue to move to help ease his discomfort.

If you can’t figure out what’s causing your dog’s hindquarters irritation, it’s time to consult your veterinarian. Identifying and managing the underlying problem will keep your dog from scampering and, best of all, he will feel much better.

Why do dogs drag their butts on the ground?

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