Our feline friends are known for their independent natures and charmingly aloof tendencies. But for many owners – this is simply not the case. if you own A furry little shadow that won’t leave your sideYou may be confused – Why is my cat so needy?
It could be a demanding cat, a clingy cat, or a cat who wants constant, gentle affection, right? Meow, scratch, and snuggle are great if you love nothing more than hanging out with your cat 24/7 – but what if you need to leave? What about the middle of the night when you’re trying to sleep?
In addition, you may be concerned about why your cat is exhibiting this clingy cat behavior, and what are the reasons why it needs so much support. This may mean that they are bored, lonely, or lack confidence.
To help you get to the bottom of needy cat behavior, we’ll take an in-depth look at common potential causes, as well as answer some common questions for specific situations where your cat becomes clingy.
What causes needy cat behavior?
Needy cats’ behavior results from one or more of the following problems:
- Feeling unwell or needing help
- Change in routine or environment
- conditioned responses
- Boredom or under stimulation
- Loneliness
- trustless
- anxiety or stress
- Early trauma or insecure bonding
- hormonal fluctuations
- age
- Character
Let’s look at this in more detail. starting from – What is the behavior of attracting attention in cats?
Signs of interest to look for behavior
Of course we all love cuddling and playful conversation with fluffy kitties, but when it comes to normal behaviour, there are some common signs that your cat is just too clingy. That their behavior has moved from normal affection to the pursuit of excessive attention.
These signs include:
- I follow you around the house, until I get up from naps to follow you
- Not being able to eat or drink without you in the room
- rubbing your legs excessively
- excessive kneading
- Always trying to sit on you, or whatever you use (eg: laptops, counters)
- Loud or uninterrupted meowing when you are out of sight or leaving the house
- Loud meow when you’re engaged (ie: working on your laptop)
- They are devastating when they are left alone or can’t reach you
- Pet calls constantly
Clingy vs Claim:
It is important to look at your cat’s behavior and determine if she is clingy or demanding, Because these are two completely different things.
for example, clingy cat He lacks confidence and is anxious – so he has to rely on you for support. So you will find that they seem upset when you are not around, and you struggle to eat or drink and rest during these times.
Demanding catHowever, they are excessively attention-seeking because they are often frustrated, bored, or underestimated. They may also have been mistakenly conditioned to get attention constantly, if they were previously rewarded with food for doing so. A demanding cat will be more aggressive in pursuit of affection – meowing loudly, jumping uninvited into your space and possibly becoming aggressive if you try to remove it.
How to deal with a needy cat
1. Visit your vet
The first step here is to determine if your cat’s behavior is caused by any medical problems, Especially if the change in their personality is a sudden event. While some cats hide when they are feeling unwell, others will turn this around and become very outspoken and needy in order to try to express their discomfort.
Your vet may also be able to tell you about hormonal fluctuations Kittens pass as they grow, and if they become pregnant, it can lead to this type of behaviour.
They may also reduce your kitty’s need for age, such as Both very small cats and large cats can be more needy By nature.
So to alleviate your fears, eliminate the possibility of getting sick and get treatment if needed, visit your vet first and foremost. They may also be able to help you find a cat behavior expert if there is no medical, hormonal, or age-related problem.
2. Determine the possible cause
Watch your kitty’s behavior and see if you can get started Understand whether they are clingy or aspirationalAnd what might be the root cause of that. This will help you properly address the cause of the behavior and see much better results.
To help you identify this, here are more details about the common causes of urticaria in cats:
Causes of clingy cat behavior:
- Change in routine or environment – Cats can feel unsettled in a new place or routine. This may cause them to feel a little anxious and stressed, which may lead to them leaning on you more to feel safer.
- anxiety or stress – Another factor may be making your cat more anxious or stressed. Perhaps a new family member or pet has been added to the family? Such changes can change the character of the cat.
- Early trauma or insecure bonding – A cat may also naturally have a higher level of anxiety if she has had a previous trauma, such as abandonment, loss, or abuse. This may make them cling to you in order to feel safe and secure.
- trustless – A new rescue, or a feral cat with the kind of traumatic background mentioned above, may simply struggle with low confidence, leading them to seek the familiarity and safety of being near you.
- Loneliness – If a cat is routinely left alone for longer than 6-8 hours, it is understandable that they will be hyperactive when they are around you, and also afraid to leave you!
- Character – Some cats cling naturally! Especially if they bond with you strongly as a kitten. However, it is still important to train them to be more independent, and to set some healthy boundaries.
Ask the reasons for the cat’s behavior:
- boredom or stimulus – Cats are active, social and intelligent. They may become needy if their enrichment needs are not met, and seek participation or play.
- conditional responses – Needy behaviors such as excessive meowing, constant cuddling, and following you like your shadow are nice behaviors to begin with, so by responding to them with affection, treatment, or praise for you (or their previous owner) you may have inadvertently taught your kitty that humans love these things, or that It is worth it to be like this. Over time, these behaviors become rehearsed, normal, and overstressed by your cat.
- Loneliness – As with the above, a cat that is left alone for a long time will naturally become demanding of affection and exhibit clingy behavior as well.
- Character – Some cats are just sluts! If they love cuddling, they may feel like they deserve it 24/7. And as with the conditioned response above, they may have learned that their sarcasm pays off.
3. Apply related strategies
The most important steps here are Make sure not to leave your cat alone excessively.
If you need to be outside for 6-8 hours or more, find someone to drop in and play with your cat for a while. This can help reduce any attention-seeking behavior caused by loneliness.
If not, and if your cat does stickyYou can try applying some of the following steps to help:

clingy cat strategies
Start safe
Begin by addressing any unmet needs in your clingy cat. So make sure they feel safe and secure, perhaps by arranging your cat’s living environment so that it is as close to you as possible. Like putting the bed next to yours and taking some time off from work to help them settle into a new place or really bond with them. This will increase his sense of security, which will begin to build trust.
Encourage confident behavior
You can start with small steps here. Such as setting up a situation where you are briefly out of sight, and quickly rewarding your cat for not following you or vocalizing you. You can also practice feeding your cat and taking a few steps back at a time, so that they can eat with you out of sight. This conditioning and desensitizing method is great for building confidence.
night time
If they are a needy cat at night, start by exhausting them during the day, and perform the above steps with their bed. Slowly move their sleeping area away from where you sleep, even if that means sleeping on the floor in the house for a few days. Gradually, you can make progress towards them sleeping on their own.
Follow a low-level routine
If you can, following a consistent routine can help your cat feel more confident. For example, if you leave and come back around the same times, your cat will begin to understand that time alone is not forever. When you leave, do not disturb your cat excessively and keep entrances and exits as low as possible to reduce agitation or nervousness.
Introduce other people
While you are around, it may be a good idea to ask family members, friends, or a babysitter to come play with your cat, so that she learns to feel safe with others.
Reward the trust
If you find that your cat is choosing to hang out on her own, or exhibiting a confident behavior that you like, reward her so that she is more likely to make those choices in the future.
be patient
It can take a long time to help a cat feel secure and confident to be happy in her own company, especially if she has experienced abandonment in the past. So be patient and gentle throughout the process, and you’ll be surprised even by small steps of progress.
asking for help
If you are struggling to see any progress, don’t be afraid to reach out to a registered behavioral expert who can help you work towards a happier and more confident cat.
How to satisfy a demanding cat
If you have cat promptsTry applying the following:
- enrichment increase – To tire your cat and prevent them from constantly looking for you for entertainment, why not try to increase their daily activity? You can train them in a belt and enjoy some walking together. If they’re in a smaller space, use our guide on Apartment Living to make sure they have some brain-teasing games and lots of energy-packed fun.
- redirection – If you need some space and your cat is adamant about invading it, you can try to redirect it, perhaps with a puzzle game or to a cat training session. You can also gently, and without any care, put them on the floor next to you, and eventually they will get the message that now is not the time for a hug.
- be consistent – Be consistent with a new approach to training your cat to seek attention. Reinforce actions you love, such as playing alone or giving yourself space. If your cat in need won’t stop meowing, it’s important that you need to Ignores this is. This can be difficult, and it’s not easy to ignore a cat’s loud meow – but you need to start to fall back on any conditioned responses. It will become easier!
Answer Frequently Asked Questions
- Does my cat have separation anxiety?
If you know that “my cat cries when I leave” or is very destructive when left on her own, she may be suffering from separation anxiety. Especially if it was accompanied by leaving an accident at home and vomiting. In this case, it is best to seek help from a registered behavior professional, to help ease your kitty’s fears, as if left untreated, separation anxiety will usually increase over time.
- My old cat wants constant attention
As mentioned, older cats can naturally become needy as they get older. Many crave more attention and affection from their families as they get older, but if this change happens suddenly, see your vet to make sure there is no underlying medical problem.
- Does my cat in need need a friend?
If your cat is clingy and demanding, she may see an improvement if she has a friend to play with and snuggle next to when he’s alone. However, this is not a quick fix, nor will it be a panacea for improving your cat’s behavior. In fact, for cats who are more sensitive and clingy, a new pet can cause even more stress. If you are considering a new pet to keep your current cat company, it is best to check the behaviors to see if this strategy will be effective.
We hope this article helps you and your little one live in harmony together, and these steps help increase their confidence and overall well-being. 🙂
Do you have a cat in need? How do you deal with their clingy ways? Let’s know!
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