Keeping your cat happy and out of trouble, Part 1: Jumping on cabinets and other high surfaces

Happy cats don’t cause problems. so no Much Trouble at least! If your cat is causing you some grief (hey, that happens with the best of us), there’s probably something missing in their lives. In fact, it is not difficult to find out. All you have to do is look at the problem they’re causing – and create a better alternative.

In this series, I will examine some of the most common misbehaviors and offer some solutions.

Part 1: Your cat keeps jumping over cabinets and other high surfaces

Your cat clearly enjoys high places. Lots of cats do! She believes that the top of the cabinets is prime real estate. The solution likely To create alternate high perches for them. But before you bring up something, examine what your cat is doing while she is there. Do they use it as a vantage point to check out the room? Are they there because it is a convenient area to spend time with you? Did they go up there to get a reaction from you? All these are clues to why they chose this high place.

Typical reasons cats are attracted to a forbidden high space:

1. Instinct
It’s normal for many cats to be attracted to high places. There are a lot of good reasons for that. They love being able to get the big picture, and watch everything that goes on around them. It’s also a safe view. And with the ability to jump 6 times their height, cats are built to easily reach high places.

2. It’s the only high space they have
Because being high is part of a cat’s nature, they will want to do so. And if they’re not given any options, they’ll take what they can get, whether you like it or not.

3. They don’t want you to touch them
This is not meant to be an insult, but your cat will probably want to spend time with you – just without getting caught. Some cats don’t like cuddling, even if they love you. So they will spend time with you, but in a way that prevents you from touching them. Being elusive makes perfect sense to these cats.

4. You don’t pay enough attention to them
If your cat is jumping somewhere you don’t want it to be, will you do too much of it? Is this the most attention your cat has had in a while? Then there is something missing from your interactions with your cat. A lot of cat misbehavior comes from a lack of attention or the wrong kind of attention. Solve this, and the problem will be solved.

Somali cat on a shower head

Once you know what is driving your cat to that high, restricted space, you’ll have clues about what to offer them instead.

  • If your cat just wants a high place and lacks one, check out the benefits they get from their current location. This includes rest, what they can see from this spot, and who they spend time with while they are there. You’ll want to repeat this as often as possible. Or if you can offer a better alternative – better view, amenities (catnip, candy), etc.

    Since cats are athletic by nature, yes, the best alternative should be a bit of a challenge and fun to get to. You can encourage this by simply installing the new perch, purchasing a taller cat tree, or creating a highway with the furniture in place.

    Once you give them time to get to know the new chick, pull up their favorite fishing pole game. Play with your cat, and let her jump excitedly behind her. Then gradually move the play session to the new predicate and pet the toy around, encouraging them to jump on it. If they lose themselves in a play session, they may jump into it, even if the chick is completely new to them. Let them discover that this new thing is fun and something to enjoy.

  • What if you think your cat is looking for a no-contact area? Then make sure that the new chick means they won’t be disturbed by human hands. Leave their favorite candy, toys, or catnip on the chick, whichever they prefer, and leave them alone when they’re there. Let it be their own place, there is no connection. All cats need a place where they can spend time alone. Even friendly cats. (Humans do this too – think about it.)
  • And if your cat is jumping on cabinets or in another restricted area because she’s feeling neglected – well, pay extra attention to her! Establish a routine of regular play and therapy sessions. Maybe start some simple training sessions. Anything that includes a regular routine and your interest. Cats (and humans, really) do well with a regular routine. Combine it with something else, like breakfast or dinner, so it’s easy to remember. Believe me, once your cat gets used to them, he will remind you if you forget! So don’t forget.

And I bet you thought stopping your cat from jumping on high surfaces was a simple matter. But keeping your cat out of trouble is not as easy as doing something to discourage it. Replacing unwanted actions with something better and more attractive will make your cats happy – and create a better relationship between you and your fluffy friend.

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Keeping your cat happy and out of trouble, Part 1: Jumping on cabinets and other high surfaces

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